Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme created by Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings in order to discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging (and some slightly more personal matters throw in for good measure). After Heidi stopped blogging (apparently for good), five of us took over as hosts while providing new questions. The current team is composed of Berls at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, Jen at That's What I'm Talking About, Karen at For What It's Worth, Linda at Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Roberta at Offbeat YA. This week's question is...
Truth be told...none. As Lewis Carroll would put it,
"It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." (Alice in Wonderland)
If I could go back (as in, shove my grown-up mind in my younger body, I assume?) to one of the (few) capital-happy days of my life (like when I met my once-favourite singer for the first time), I would indeed be a different person, or the people in it would mean nothing to me anymore because I've become too far-removed from them, or I would be aware that the joy I felt back then was based on false premises. There isn't a single happy day that I can think of that wouldn't be tainted by the turn my life has taken since then, or by my present awareness of things I didn't realise at the time, or by my knowing I should have taken a different path, sometimes even in that very moment, and built a better life for myself. So...if you asked me, would you like to go back to a certain day and tell your younger self to live her life differently, I'd say yes, please, take me back NOW. But the happy days of the past are better left alone. That naive, hopeful girl will never come back anymore.