September 01, 2024

Offbeat Offline: August 2024

Welcome to Offbeat Offline, where I bring you up-to-date with what went on in my life during the month just gone, give you a sneak peek of my next shenanigans, and share my favourite posts of late!

What happened last month to yours truly? THE HEAT. And...oops...a new eye problem for me, because of course. That's it. Well, I mean, my husband's ulcer is slowly but steadily getting better at last...but goodness, THE HEAT. I've been numb for the whole month, barely reading, barely reviewing, eating the usual assortment of quick/cold dishes, with the who-cares attitude of a cavewoman (primordial-instincts-only mode activated). Seriously, THE HEAT ๐Ÿฅต ๐Ÿ˜ญ. And then, the eye.

๐Ÿ“š IN STASIS. As I said, the heat rendered my brain numb, so at the start of the month I decided to put my (by then 4) ARCs on pause and take it easy...but I'll pay the price later ๐Ÿ˜… ๐Ÿ˜ญ. I mean, hear me out:
- First off, I finally listed all Seanan McGuire's short stories (the ones I own and the ones I don't) and read a number of them (since short stories require less attention and commitment than novels).
- Then I read one non-ARC...and did my best to procrastinate its review ๐Ÿ˜ฌ.
- In the meantime, I reread a couple of old favourites, because again, rereads necessitate less brain power and don't involve a review...not to mention, I was waiting for B.C. Johnson to send me an eARC of the last Deadgirl book, and that's yet one more reason why I haven't been able to commit to any other new-to-me novel. I didn't want to abandon one for the other...Then he was forced by unforeseen circumstances to postpone the release to September 19th, so I had to change my schedule. Sigh.
- Cherry on the cake, I was approved for an ARC that I had requested a lifetime ago (see below) and I had resigned myself not to get, plus I requested and received another one...I did manage to read and (half) review the first one, but at this point, I have 5 more...gah. I can't seem to make a dent in my (small, but big for me) pile, and August has been largely unproductive.
Anyway - here's my monthly bookish recap...

Approvals (2):
  • House of Thorns by Isabel Strychacz (YA, supernatural/mystery - for the record, I got this one 210 days after my request was may have noticed that EW takes note of these things...and 6 days before pub date, so I had to push my review at the end of September due to lack of time and previous commitments...)
Lia Peartree is haunted—by memories, by her past, by secrets, by the ones she left behind. Five years ago, the Peartrees fled their home—the infamous ancestral Brier Hall—and never looked back. But her oldest sister went missing that night, and there’s been no sign of her since.
In the aftermath, the Peartrees are traumatized and get by however they can. Lia’s remaining sister Ali says yes to any bad idea, and Lia tries so desperately to be the perfect daughter that it’s tearing her apart. But as the five year anniversary of the night they left nears, Lia begins seeing her missing sister everywhere, and memories of Brier Hall won’t leave her alone.
When Ali disappears with no warning except a cryptic phone call—“don’t follow me when I’m gone”—Lia is sure she’s gone back to Brier Hall. Lia must go home one final time and face what haunts her in an effort to find her sisters and uncover the truth of her past.
When a phantom moose nearly runs Theo's car off an icy Alaskan road, Theo succumbs to curiosity, following the moose's trail to a door hidden amongst the trees. Despite the threat of becoming the latest victim in a string of mysterious disappearances, Theo crosses the threshold. To his horror, the door vanishes, stranding him in a monster-infested alternate reality. Looming adult responsibilities are forgotten as Theo must fight just to survive.
Inside the surreal dimension behind the door, Theo finds allies who hold the encroaching darkness at bay: a sword-wielding man named Archer with a strange case of amnesia, and a shapeshifting dragon named Zephyr. A sinister phenomenon threatens to consume Theo as he grapples with his sense of identity and growing feelings for Archer; the longer he remains in this realm, the more his own memories slip away.
With darkness closing in and his time running out, Theo must unravel the secrets his companions harbor and confront his own inner demons if he hopes to find a way back to the world he knows before all is lost to the shadows.

Reads (5):
So good! It came out last year and I didn't qualify for an ARC...but I wanted to read it so badly, and I did, and it was as exciting as I anticipated...
Another ARC I didn't get. My interested was piqued due to Nova Ren Suma having a story in it, so I ended up grabbing a copy, and the overall quality was high (there are other well-known authors in its roster, take a look...).
  • House of Thorns by Isabel Strychacz (see above)
At first it seemed a bit lackluster, but it grew on me, and the last section was fantastic! Yet another magical house for my 2024 collection ๐Ÿ˜‚.
The contemporary book about friendship and finding one's calling (with a sizeable dose of escapology) that I beta-read years ago and later found its way to publication! Here's my old ARC review.
  • End of the World House by Adrienne Celt (Adult, a genre I'm not disclosing in case the blurb or my no-spoiler review tempts you to read it, because it would ruin everything - reread [pub. 2022])
I recently purchased a physical copy and revisited this brilliant book, whose one fault only managed to make me detract half a star. Here's my old ARC review.

Reviews (3):
  • What Stalks Among Us by Sarah Hollowell (see above)
Coming in a few days...
  • The House Where Death Lives by Alex Brown et al. (see above).
Mini review on GR for now - on the blog later.
  • House of Thorns by Isabel Strychacz (see above)
Coming at the end of the month, I I said above, I started my review, but I'm a bit stuck at the moment...

Here are my scheduled reviews for this month:
  • What Stalks Among Us by Sarah Hollowell (on Thu. 5th);
  • In Universes by Emet North, The Unfinished by Cheryl Isaacs and Coup de Grรขce by Sofia Ajram (in a mini-review round on Sat. 14th);
  • Deadgirl: Gravedust (Deadgirl #5) by B.C. Johnson * (on Wed. 18th);
  • The Ravening by Daniel Church (on Mon. 23rd);
  • House of Thorns by Isabel Strychacz (on Fri. 27th)
Please note: Deadgirl: Gravedust doesn't have a Goodreads page nor a cover yet...and I'm still waiting for the eARC to get delivered in my inbox. But the author set the new pub date for Thu. 19th, so I trust him to send me my copy in time...๐Ÿ™‚

Reviews aside, I'll participate in the Tell Me Something Tuesday meme on the 10th (question: What Day in Your Life Would You Like to Relive?). Still lacking the time and willpower to join the meme more consistently until I manage to get back on track with...everything, but I plan on visiting your blogs and reading your answers at least! In the meantime, here's the TMST prompt list for the month of September, in case you want to join in:

  • September 3rd: How do you keep up with your favourite blogs?
  • September 10th: What day in your life would you like to relive?
  • September 17th: Do you have a go-to comfort book/read?
  • September 24th: Do you have a series you've been meaning to finish but haven't? Which one(s) and why?

๐Ÿฅต HELL HOUSE. It turns out, two months' worth of neverending heat can bring you to your knees. Again, I've been spending my days (and nights) in front of a small army of fans, avoiding cooking at all costs, and doing my darnedest not to go on errands more than twice a week. Housekeeping? For goodness' sake. I mean, it was 30/31°C (86/87°F) indoors, so you can imagine. The heat eased down a bit around midmonth and I was like, yay! the worst is over! but after a couple of days it ramped up again - we're currently having 29,5°C (85°F) at home, and I'm exhausted ๐Ÿ˜ฉ.

๐Ÿ‘️ EYES EYES BABY. On the 27th, I started seeing flashes in my right eye (you might remember it had already happened to me twice with my left eye last year, and I got two laser treatments for two different retinal holes). I went to the E.R. and from there to the ophthalmologist, who didn't see any holes this time, but floaters (I see those too, thanks) and a vitreous humour clotting that got in the way, so he wanted to have a second look after a few days to see how things would develop. I went back on the 30th, he looked at both my eyes, and confirmed that there weren't any holes this time, but advised me to have a check-up in a couple of weeks. So, basically, it's the same old story - the vitreous traction causes the flashes, so now I have not one, but two eyes flashing in the dark (which is not a superpower), and no means to know if I'm getting a retinal hole in time..., not like that, Castiel-style...

๐Ÿฉน ROAD TO HEALTH? My husband's leg is finally improving, and steadily too. It looks like the latest medications were the right ones (though I'm told that, with this type of wounds, one can indeed have a period of stasis and even a setback, and then reprise the healing process, regardless of the dressing). Of course, it's still a slow process, but since the site isn't infected anymore, things should speed up a bit...When it cools down, we'll try walking again, and in case his foot hurts, we'll look into orthopedic insoles....



I didn't take notes...๐Ÿ˜ณ


That's it for now. My next post will be up on September 5th, and it will be the review for What Stalks Among Us I mentioned above.

So, what were your highs/lows in the past month?


  1. I'm so sorry about the heat๐Ÿ˜ฅ It's got to get better, right? I'm also reading The Ravening, although the mixed reviews are scaring me a little. Looking forward to your reviews, good luck getting Deadgirl in time for the release date. And yay for your husband's leg improving!

    1. It's got to get better, but will I still be among the living by then, or will I have succumbed to the unforgiving temps? ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜ญ

      I ended up giving 4 stars to The Ravening, though I had some issues with it (especially because of the random sex scene between two women written by a man...๐Ÿ™„).

  2. This summer has been up and down, but mostly brutal. At least that's how I remember it. I hope it's cooling off by you. The eye stuff is scary. The first time I had an ocular migraine, I thought I was having a stroke. Then I thought I was going blind, but it ended after a while. Any eye things make me nervous. I hope whatever is going on with your eyes gets resolved or figured out. It must be stressful not really knowing.

    1. That sounds really scary! I didn't even know "ocular migraines" existed...I hope it doesn't happen often to you...

      Well, I do know what's going on already - the vitreous causing traction, which in turns causes the flashes (and sometimes the retinal holes)...The problem is, the flashes are supposed to signal retinal holes, but it seems like sometimes they don't, so I don't have the means of knowing if it's happening anymore...

  3. I'm glad to hear your husband's ulcer is starting to heal again. What great news! But boo on your eye issues (I did LOL about it not being a superpower).

    SO... what's with the heat in Italy right now? I'm starting to pack for my trip (I'll land in Rome on Sept 12), and I was blown away by the heat. I'm going to melt! It does look like it will be more in the 80F than 100F when we get there... fingers crossed.

    It's been weird at home this past week without my daughter. And she's doing great, I think, but she's not around to talk about it, and is choosing not to call/text right now. It's hard. But I did get to see her Friday, which was nice.

    1. "(I did LOL about it not being a superpower)"
      Glad to hear I do have a funny streak ๐Ÿ˜‰.

      The heat...I don't know. It's not normal for it to be so brutal this time of the year. The worst part is that, when the heat is so extreme, patches of bad weather can ensue and wreak havoc (though that's more of a Northern Italy thing). Based on the forecast, we should expect bouts of rain, which should force the temps to drop. I hope you can enjoy your holiday without too much heat, but no bad weather either...September is tricky ๐Ÿ˜ฌ.

      I guess your daughter needs a bit of space to build her new normal and stretch her wings...I realise it must be hard on your end though.

  4. I'm so sorry about your eyes. It must make reading difficult. At least, you've got books. Shame about the Deadgirl book. You were looking forward to finishing reading that series, right? Maybe book series should be finish being written before they are published. I'm hesitant in reading series that aren't finished - there's no joy in reading if there's no ending.

    And the heat! I would be like you too. The weather here had been going back and forth, I put my fans away thinking it's getting cooler and then I had to take them out again. The weather's going crazy.

    My august was mostly reading which is a high since I haven't read this much in years and I worked a lot which is the low. The stress just come and go.

    Thank you for linking to two of my posts.

    I hope your eyes get better and that your husband will recover soon.

    Have a lovely day

    1. Well, I have an early stage of cataract in my left eye and floaters in my right one, so it's not ideal for reading...or blogging...but I manage.

      Actually, Deadgirl: Gravedust has been finished, but the author is self-publishing it, so he ran into some practical problems on that end. The book IS coming out, only a little later than expected. I understand being vary of series, but most of the times, even if/when publishers shut up shop or things like that, authors do their best to have their books come out in some form...

      At least you were able to try to put away your fans...we've had one day or two where the temps were reasonable (but still too hot not to use them), and then we found ourselves back to square one!

      At least you got to balance out working a lot with reading a lot...sorry to hear you're stressed though...hopefully the fall will help you de-stress a little, with the crisp weather. Assuming it finally comes LOL.

      Thank you!

  5. Sorry to hear about your eyes. I'm glad your husbands wound is healing though, that is really good news. It will cool down eventually, I'm looking forward to that myself.

    1. Thank you! Re.: the heat: I have no doubt. You have it rougher than me in LV...also, sometimes I think of the poor Falcor having to wear boots LOL.

  6. I am sorry about the eye stuff, that must be so scary! Sending you all the positive vibes that it isn't another retinal hole! Also sending you cooling vibes, that is horrific! I don't know how you manage, truly. Are window/portable AC units just not a thing there? I would legit sell organs on the black market to get one if I had to, I am so heat intolerant, I cannot imagine how much you must be struggling.

    On the upside, I am so glad your husband is doing better! Hoping that continues for you both! And I am looking forward to ALL of your September reviews, because they're all books I read or want to read! I have some mixed thoughts about The Ravening, so I am super curious to see if our thoughts are similar!

    1. "Sending you all the positive vibes that it isn't another retinal hole! Also sending you cooling vibes, that is horrific!"
      Thank you!

      "Are window/portable AC units just not a thing there?"
      They are...I guess we'll have to look into them next year, if my husband is out of the bed (which he should be!). Maybe not the window ones because we are on the ground floor, but the other kind...

      Looking forward to comparing thoughts too!

  7. Thanks so much for the mention. I'm glad to hear that your husband is on the mend and sorry about the eye issues - they can be scary. I used to get migraines quite a bit when I was younger (tied to a medication I was on I suspect because I'm no longer in it and only get 1-2 a year now). I always get swimmers and auras with them and I HATE them. The heat has been bad again last week and we hit a heat index of 100 or more on three different days. I am so ready for fall. We live in an older house and have window units in several rooms but I hate it when you go outside and are immediately hit by a wall of heat. Plus, it means less walks and outdoor plays for the pups which make then antsy as well. Hope you are having a cooler week this week - we are.

    1. Yep, reading/writing with floaters (and I guess, swimmers) is no fun! I hope they dissipate a little...

      "We live in an older house and have window units in several rooms but I hate it when you go outside and are immediately hit by a wall of heat."
      LOL, yes, even when you have a pleasant climate inside, you have to go out at some point! and you probably feel even worse when you do! also, the poor doggies need their least the bare minimum...

      It should rain tomorrow - I hope it brings some cooler temps and they stay!

  8. It has actually been a milder summer where I am in Canada. I do not love extreme heat but enjoy the sunshine. I am very much looking forward to fall :)

    1. If only we could have sunshine without too much feels weird to say I hate the summer, because on a level I know it's supposed to be nice, but...Glad you haven't suffered too much this summer!

  9. Thanks for the shout-out Roberta!

    Ugh, that heat! Luckily it's been cooler here this year, but there have been a few days which were hell incarnate - just because that's how British weather works.

    Keep as cool as you can! <3

    1. The shout-out was well-deserved!

      It's been cooling off, finally...๐Ÿ˜


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