Hello sweeties!
It's been a long while since I last wrote a personal post. It's just that my life is same old, same old most of the time (ALL the time?).
But now I feel it's the right moment for an update, because there MIGHT be the tiniest possibility of something actually changing...or at least the tiniest hope for me to have a chance at something. So I need all my cheerleaders to do the lucky dance for me!
First off, let me tell you - the older I get, the more I hate the summer. I can't function properly. The heat drains me, my legs cramp and become stiff, and I feel tired and cranky. And I used to believe that even my mind needed a rest. After managing to post "regularly" all year long in 2013 (my first full year of blogging), I took a summer hiatus from posting in 2014 (only ONE post both in July and August - the sort where you basically say "sorry for not posting" 🙄😂). Then, in 2015, I made an effort to be more productive by signing up for the Summer Blogger Promo Tour (yes, Vera and Ruzi, that's where I meet the wonderful likes of you 😀😘), and I even added some personal content...which brought me to a total of FIVE posts in July and EIGHT (...EIGHT???) in August 😮 (of course, the SBPT ones were guest posts, but I was reciprocating them on the other participants' blogs, so it totally counts!). In 2016 and 2017, I gritted my teeth and produced average - or a little less than average - amount of content for the same months (...well, average for ME, anyway). BUT regardless, when the summer comes, I'm always ready to threw the towel and hibernate in a cave (which is kind of counter-intuitive, but please...BEAR with me LOL). Even blogging-wise. BUT...
...this year I'm marching to the rhythm of my by-now infamous schedule, and I'm even managing to prep ahead for September and October! (Of course I started before the dreaded summer came, plus this year it wasn't even that hot here until the first days of July, but still).
And lately, I've been even more motivated to have posts scheduled for later in the year, because I need to have a good amount of blog-free time if a certain opportunity presents itself.
*drum roll...*
I have a friend who works at the local registry office, who heard through the grapevine that there MIGHT be a public examination for a similar position (I mean, a municipal office - not sure if it would be the same one) this fall. Now, if there is going to be, and a necessary requisite is a driving license or a specific kind of degree, I'm screwed. Because I can't drive (too scared), and I have a degree in English Language and Literature (tell me you didn't expect this? 😉), which is rarely, if ever, taken into account - they usually need different things there. Then again, my friend didn't graduate at all, so I guess there are offices where I might fit in nicely. I'm more worried about the driving license, that they sometimes ask for (I had a look at their previous competition notices), though it seems to be needed for other positions, in which you can actually be required to move around the municipality.
Now, what with having an insider, if there's a public examination I should have a head-start - in the sense that there would be someone in place who can pass the news before it's official (so that I can start preparing) and give me advice. Of course, it's all up to me after that - but it would be of no small comfort for someone like yours truly, who doesn't fare well with the unexpected. Not to mention, having a friendly face around if I qualified for the position would make ALL the difference for me. And even little, forever-doubtful, always-scared-of-new-things me is starting to warm up at the idea and to think that...I might make it?
...Yes, I can hear you asking "But why would Roberta want to work in a public office and leave such a cool job as the radio?". Um, money, for one? And besides, it's not nearly as cool as you might think it is...I promise I will write a post about it one day. (And it will be a LONG one). For now - trust me, I'm fed up with the thing for SO MANY REASONS, plus I get paid the rich sum of 474 euros per month (550,96 $), and geez, I'm not a child. I'm a grown woman and I need a life. Which, in turns, necessitates of REAL MONEY. I still have my 80 y.o. parents helping me, for goodness' sake. Not to mention, I don't even dare think what my pension will amount to when the day comes...
Now, IF (and it's a capital IF) a) the public examination happens and b) I qualify, things are going to change MASSIVELY. Like this:
- Right now, I'm only working the afternoons, 15-19, Monday to Friday. In the morning I can sleep till a reasonable hour (which, for me, would be 8:30...). And I'm always home for lunch. In any public office, I would work 6 hours and 40 minutes a day, Monday to Friday (plus a few PM hours on Wednesdays). I would have to get up VERY early, not to mention eat a late (and probably scanty, at that point...because who cooks at two in the afternoon?) lunch. Add to this that my husband works three shifts (6-14, 14-22, 22-6) on an often random rotation, so organising the day would be a bit tricky...
- ...BUT, as things are now, I'm virtually a prisoner of my own home. In the morning I do the basic chores and...that's it. I almost never get out, because I don't have the time (maybe I would if I woke up early, but unless I'm forced, I can't bring myself to do it). In the afternoons I go to work...And when Saturday comes, more often than not, I only feel like sitting in front of my PC and relaxing (my usual Saturday excuse: "I don't feel like putting on make-up and get dressed and actually go to places AGAIN"...yes, I'm complicated 🙄). At least, with a morning job schedule, some afternoons I could actually go out and do...stuff? Of course, there would also be the usual chores, but I would still get a couple of hours to myself per day - which I don't have now, though I work less hours than I would in that case (as I said...I'm complicated 😁).

Yes, I've thought this through. I know it would be stressful for a lot of reasons (especially the lack of sleep...). On top of that, I can reach my current job on foot, while if I got into a municipal office, I would need to take a bus, or to have someone taking me (my husband, depending on his turns...but then again, my friend - who does drive - would normally work the same hours, so we could just split the gas cost...).
But the fact is - I'm so done with my current job. And with this shitty excuse of a salary 😠
. And for the first time in my life, I'm not scared of change - on the contrary, I'm looking forward to it.
To quote T.S. Eliot again,
Do I dare / disturb the universe?
And for the first time in FOREVER, the answer is - yes, I do.
I hope this opportunity turns into more for you. I like working earlier hours, and who doesn't like more money? Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThank you! If the opportunity presents itself, I'll do my best to become a morning person!
DeleteFirst off, best of luck with whatever happens! I'm in a strikingly similar situation right now, and am considering applying for a current posting. The differences in my case are that it is a different department in the same place, and I actually adore my job and it will break my heart to leave. Yet, there has been a lot of drama and craziness going on, and I am being taken advantage of without any hope in the near future of job growth if I stay where I am...and this is just not enough to pay the bills.
ReplyDeleteI used to love what I did too...but my heart hasn't been in it anymore for the longest time. And the reasons are, in short, the same you listed - "being taken advantage of without any hope in the near future of job growth" and the money being "just not enough to pay the bills". I hope you will fall in love with your new job too, though! and of course, that you will manage to land it in the first place. Also, thank you! I SO need my share of luck right now.
Delete(If I may ask, what is it you do at present?).
It's a really frustrating situation to be in! I am currently part of front line staff (working both the circulation and information desks) in a children and teen library.
DeleteWell, yeah, you know...it occurred to me after I replied (and shut off my PC), because of course, it's on your blog 😳. I told you, the summer fries my brain 😓😂.
DeleteTrust me, I'm not allowed to judge! You should see me in the mornings - definitely surprising that I function.
DeleteYay! You've totally got this! I hope it works out for you if the examination comes up and you decide to go for it. That sounds like it could be such a lovely opportunity. Sometimes change is exactly the thing you need. Whatever happens, you've always got a blogger across the world cheering for you. I'm totally here for support, panicking, distractions, etc. <3
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget mentoring and Pike-fangirling! 😂
DeleteSeriously, you're just lovely. Thank you! 😘
Yes! Always Pike fan-girling. It's a necessity. I don't know about mentoring, since I couldn't answer your ONE grammar question, but I'll always try! <3
ReplyDeleteLOL! It was a tricky one! But I've found a similar sentence without the "to" (and it was in a book I had already read, but it probably didn't register at the time), so you were right!
DeleteHaha, good to know!
ReplyDeleteSending you all the good luck vibes.
ReplyDeleteGo forth and DISTURB THE UNIVERSE!
Karen @ For What It's Worth
Haha, I'll try! (BTW, the public examination hasn't been officially announced yet, but I saw the draft and it's SCARY. If I go for it, I'll have to study a bunch of laws and stuff and HEAVEN HELP ME!).
DeleteWe're under a heat advisory, so I try to avoid the outdoors unless it's absolutely necessary. I try to get the kids out or two the playground firs thing in the morning, so we can maybe get home before it gets in the 100s.
ReplyDeleteYou should definitely disturb the universe, Roberta! ;)
𑁋 Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?
Yep, I suppose it's particularly hard on the kids, especially since they're so little. (I did the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion, and your 100° means 38° for me...it looks like a small number, but it's hell!).
DeleteMaybe the universe is too strong for me, but hey, one can try to poke at it 😉.