October 26, 2021

Tell Me Something Tuesday: What's Your Real-Life Superpower?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme created by Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings in order to discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging (and some slightly more personal matters throw in for good measure). While Heidi is on an extended hiatus, there are five of us who are hosting it and providing the questions. The current team is composed of Berls at Because Reading Is Better Than Real LifeJen at That's What I'm Talking AboutKaren at For What It's WorthLinda at Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Roberta at Offbeat YA. This week's question is...


I used to be good at multitasking, but now I'm lucky if I manage to get one thing done at a time. My old bones tire easily, and so does my brain 😫. But - unsurprisingly, if you know me - I'm an excellent planner/scheduler! (with an actual worksheet at hand, of course πŸ˜‰). Not a very useful skill, because completing one task today beats planning a dozen to be performed sometime during the next month LOL. But at least I always know where I stand and which chores/activities (blogging included) I'll be able to tend to/complete/fit around my work commitments every day - even if it's just something along the lines of "oh, yeah, it's Tuesday, which means I have to cook the meat sauce"...

One thing about me that fits more into the "real-life superpower" camp is that I have a good eye (which isn't the same as having a good eyesight...not anymore LOL. I need glasses in order to read). I can't help noticing a lot of stuff, though it's more a curse than a blessing, because you're bound to pick up a bunch of details that you don't like (say, when you get home improvements or a new perm...πŸ™„ 😠) and to have to fight to get them fixed...assuming you can in the end. And of course, it's never anyone's fault...everyone thinks you're just being difficult (especially when you're a woman), though not everyone will tell you straight to your face. (Mostly, they'll try to convince you that you're hallucinating...though they won't use that word of course).

Well, that's it for now. Did you enjoy this post? Would you like to participate in the meme on a regular or semi-regular basis, and get emailed the prompt list? Just head over here and fill in Jen's form! (Of course, you can jump in anytime you like - you are under no obligation to actually do all the posts, or even most of them, just because you signed up, and you can remove yourself from the list at any time). And if you're interested in participating in a more casual manner, or only in commenting, here is the TMST prompt list for the month of November:

  • November 2nd: Sci-fi stories: do you read them? Futuristic? Machine? Space Opera? Sci-fi romances?
  • November 9th: Do you use reading subscriptions (e.g., Kindle Unlimited, Scribd, etc)? Why/why not?
  • November 16th: Do authors/narrators actions, political beliefs, etc impact your view of their work?
  • November 23rd: Gratitude. What books/authors/narrators/bloggers are you most thankful for this year?
  • November 30th: Book cover love: share some book covers that you loved in 2021

I'll be back on November 2nd, because I love sci-fi, and I have recommendations!

Now tell me something...what's your best and most useful skill?


  1. I definitely do not have your organization superpower. In fact, it might be my superweakness!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. But you must be organised to an extent, or you wouldn't get any writing done πŸ˜‰.

  2. Having a plan is half the battle. I totally get what you mean about noticing things. I am an observer by nature (hence why I studied science), but I do wish I could unsee some things I notice.

    1. Haha, now THAT would be a superpower πŸ˜‰.

  3. That's a good power to have, having a good eye for details, although yeah I imagine it can be frustrating too for the reasons you point out.

    I hope you're feeling better!

    1. Yeah...frustrating, exactly.

      Thanks...still croacking a bit LOL.

  4. I believe you are an excellent planner/scheduler. You seem to be good at organizing your time. You can be someone's professional life organizer, like those closet organizers.

    It's good to have an eye for detail. It's a true that some people might think you're being picky but sometimes a certain thing have to be a certain way - we're creatures with preferences so it makes sense we have dislikes. It's much easier to agree than to try to convince people you're right about something.

    My superpower is making lists of things I'm supposed to do and not do them. Sometimes I pretend I actually accomplish something by making a list.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. "You can be someone's professional life organizer, like those closet organizers."
      Ha! I made the wrong career choice πŸ˜‚ (which is true in any possible way...).

      I love your superpower LOL. "Sometimes I pretend I actually accomplish something by making a list" πŸ˜‚.

  5. OMG... my brain is mush now... I can no longer multitask because I'll forget what I was doing. I hate getting old. But if it's on my list and spreadsheet - I'm golden.

    1. The dreaded fifties LOL. Thank goodness for spreadsheets!

  6. I do not have your organizational skills. I have to do one thing at a time too. I get distracted easily.

    I think my superpower would be being able to follow recipe and it coming out well. I love cooking. Now if I could just get my old bones to cooperate. I tire easily.

    1. That's a nice superpower to have! Cooking isn't my strong suit LOL.

  7. Being a task master is my super power too! I'm not a multiple spreadsheets type of girl, but I work so that I rarely miss a deadline.

    1. You don't mean the Black Widow villain, do you? πŸ˜‰

  8. I do like to think I'm organized, but perhaps I could be better! I think I need to work on my neatness lol.

    1. If you are organised to an extent AND manage to act on it, it's much more than I will ever do LOL. I spend more time making spreadsheets than I do fulfilling their purpose πŸ˜‚ 😭.

  9. I used to be really good at remembering stuff, but my brain has turned to mush hah. I don't actually know what my superpower is? But your post now makes me want to figure out, so that is a plus!

    1. Haha, reading lots of books and managing to write awesome and entertaining reviews for all of them maybe? πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

  10. Organization is such a good super power to have. I need to get better at that. XD I think my real life super power would be seeing projects through till the end, or a long attention span when it comes to projects. :D

    1. That's useful - many people get bored early on, or maybe just lose faith in what they might accomplish...

  11. I am not super organized - mainly because it stresses me out. I feel like that becomes a job itself sometimes BUT I think I'm great at managing how much I take on in the first place and I'm able to say no without guilt.

    So, I am organized but in my own way and by not taking on too much lol

    I also have a decent eye for noticing things. That's how I became a beta reader. An author let me read her book just as a nice gesture and I noticed several things the paid editors didn't.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. "I think I'm great at managing how much I take on in the first place and I'm able to say no without guilt."
      That's a great superpower - especially the part where you can say no if it's the case and still manage to sleep at night.

      I loved your beta-reader story! In my case, it was more like, some authors read my reviews of their books, liked my reasoning and thought that I could help them. But noticing "several things the paid editors didn't" is hilarious.

  12. If only we could all be good at both the planning and the doing lol. Sounds like you're still having perm troubles, so that sucks, but hopefully your good eye is good for something!

    1. "If only we could all be good at both the planning and the doing lol."
      The crazy thing is, I spend more time planning than doing - if I planned less, I might accomplish more (maybe not in the blogging department though).

      No new perm trouble...just the old ones.

      My good eye only makes me miserable LOL.


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