August 17, 2018

The Public Examination Saga: Sadly, Not My Scene (This Time)

Hello sweeties!

Remember the public examination chance I posted about on July 19th? Well...scratch that 😭.

I promised myself I would disturb the universe, except...I would probably need a TARDIS for that. So that I could disturb the whole time and space, meet my much younger self at the age of 14, and tell her: "DON'T ENROLL CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL. It doesn't matter if you hate technical subjects - you'll hate in there as well anyway, because the teachers suck. And they won't teach you the things you'll need later to escape a job you'll come to hate. Ah, yeah, speaking of which...I might as well save myself a later TARDIS trip. DON'T CROSS THE THRESHOLD OF THAT RADIO STATION IN 1992. Misery will ensue from that."

OK, let's start at the beginning.

You see, I never really planned my future. Educatively speaking, I embraced the subjects I liked the most and shunned the ones I knew I'd hate - and that's it. As I said, I didn't wisely choose accordingly to a plan of sorts. I've always lived hand-to-mouth, because really? except for the vague idea of becoming a literary translator (which never happened because I didn't know how, and no one was able to point me out in the right direction...not even at Uni), I've never "wanted" something with a passion - so, of course, I've never been able to find myself a path to get there. So...all those years of Greek and Latin (long forgotten now) and English (which I would have learnt anyway, because the Internet has been - and still is - my real teacher), and here I don't have a clue about law and finance - not even the basic knowledge they impart in a technical institute 😥.

Now, the public examination I posted about turned out to be open to anyone with a high school diploma, except they couldn't possibly mean someone with my kind of education, because it involves loads of laws I don't have a clue about, and even if I were able to learn all that stuff by heart (and I don't have an eidetic memory - hello, Spencer Reid), without a broader knowledge of the subject I wouldn't know where I stand. (BTW, to be precise, the examination is for the human resources and environment departments, and for a higher level than I had set my sight on - I suppose you would call it an Administrative Director position in English? while I was aiming for a simple clerk job, because there's no way I could fit the higher level of responsibility). So, that's it. And the worst part? I learned that public examinations for a clerk position in the local registry office and the like are rare as unicorns, because most of the times, people are recruited by mobility between municipalities (that's how the friend I talked about in my other posts got in), or taken from waiting lists made of examinees who passed previous tests for higher positions but didn't finish first...tests like the one I'm not taking 😭.

So...I suppose my life isn't going to change anytime soon. Or anytime, period.

I haven't completely thrown the towel though, since I've started dabbling in a couple of things or three that, apparently, recur in almost every examinations (or at least the ones I would like to take one day), because I want to have a head-start just in case. Those are general ordinances about public administration and the code of conduct for administrative clerks, plus the registry office textbook, BECAUSE I REFUSE TO GIVE UP. They would probably end up being useless, for the reasons I stated above - but what choice do I have? At least I feel like I'm doing something - as I said, just in case. Maybe a different possibility will present itself. Maybe the upcoming examination won't provide enough winners for a waiting list of future clerks to employ elsewhere. OK, of course, if it were the case, there's always the darned mobility. But I have to pin my hopes on something, and actually plan ahead for any possible outcome, or I will simply give in to despair. So...I just have to stay alert and trudge on. And get lucky. How hard can it be? 😟


  1. I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out, sweets. :[[ I doubt I would be able to pass a test like that either. If it's any consolation, I think you would make a wonderful translator. <3 Keep hanging in there! You've got your eyes open for opportunities now, and something always comes along.

  2. Sometimes it's not a direct line to what we want but I hope the bumpy detour gets you there!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. If they don't open the kind of position I was aiming at, I'm majorly screwed. The rest is SO above my possibilities. This isn't a detour...more like a complete halt for now. But I'm trying to stay on top of things as much as I can....

  3. It’s cliche but true, on door closes (or doesn’t open), there must be a window somewhere. You’ll find it. Don’t stop looking! ❤️

    1. I hope to fit that window LOL. Thank you!

  4. I'm just now catching up on your posts, so expect some incoming comments from me lol.

    I'm sad this didn't work out for you in the end, but glad you're not giving up. I also think it's super-cool you're studying - idk if I should call it that?? - the things you could need for the job you want. I feel like even if that doesn't happen soon, making an effort will keep you motivated, and who knows, maybe this knowledge will be useful for you for something else as well. :D Fingers crossed 2019 will offer some cool opportunities for you. <3

    1. Thank you hon! Though I haven't exactly started studying yet, but I've gathered some material and I mean to incorporate it in my schedule. That way, I should stay on top of things 😉.


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