June 18, 2017

How to Be an Absolutely Unreliable Blogger: Lesson No.1

Oh, dear me, where did MY time go. I SO need a TARDIS.

My latest adventure in blogging is dated May 26th. Let me do the math...um...ah...it's been MORE THAN 3 FRIGGIN' WEEKS *cowers*.

The fact is...I've been involved in some behind-the-scenes activity (beta-reading, some of it still in progress) and I haven't had the time to read any book for review. I spent the latter 3 or 4 days catching up on B.C. Johnson's novel Djinn & Tonic on Inkitt, but since it's been entered in a contest and has a limited number of free reads available, I suppose there's no point in reviewing it on the blog (as of now, though, there are still a number of reads you can snatch - so if you're curious, here it is). And I DO have books to read and review - only they're all on my hard-drive, so it's not exactly portable magic, Mr. King 😉.

Also...as usual...adulting gets in the way, and work consumes what little time remains. Not to mention, enduring the summer gets harder and harder for me. We've been experiencing a sudden blast of heat these latest days, and aside from the climate itself, the older I grow, the worse my body responds to the challenge. My legs cramp and ache, my head gets numb and aims for laziness beyond all things. It's a lose-lose situation.

Anyway, my boss will be away for 3 days starting tomorrow, so I'll definitely make the most of it *rubs hands*. He deserves that and more - and I'm safe while saying so because he has no idea I have a blog, let alone any kind of social account...plus, he absolutely sucks at English. He would need his daughter to translate for him, but then again, he doesn't know squat about my secret life. I've learned to play the dumb (and innocent) card when it suits me. Survival technique at its best 😉. So well, I'll be still doing backstage work, so to speak (I have the ARC of Edward Aubry's Static Mayhem on my virtual hands 😀), but at least I'll make a small step for my blog, a giant step for my sanity 👍...


  1. Pesky boss!

    It is so hot and humid right now here! Kevin and I were very cranky today lol

    For What It's Worth

    1. You joined the Figgy squad then! ;D

      Bosses all the world over should know that employers only give their best if they're paid and regarded as they should. Otherwise, it's a game of stab-you-in-the-back-while-you're-not-looking *grins evilly*.

  2. Oooh three days- I hope you managed to make the most out of those, Roby! If it were me, I would have no doubt spent one day being excited about all the time I have, the other day being lazy in general and the third moping about how fast time flies... *gallops away*

    1. Haha, more or less. But I managed to email an author, message a new friend on GR (LOOONG message), read/comment on a few posts and READ. And today...back to normal *sighs*.

  3. I feel ya on the heat! The older I get the more miserable heat makes me (especially if it's humid outside). And blogging slumps just happen. I read tons, but making myself write a simple review? For some reason it seems so daunting. Plus with two jobs, I'm working a lot and sometimes finding time to even be on the computer is hard. I can't wait for Fall.

    1. Ah, old age problems LOL (um...you're 10 yers younger than me...but let's round it up ;D). Weather and time. then tiredness and...well...laziness after all that we've endured! You're a champion for working two jobs. Though one of them is a dream job for you!

  4. If you ever need more lessons on how to be an unreliable blogger, then I can definitely help. I am practically an expert on the topic now. But, I am trying to come back and I hope you can do the same soon.

    I am like the opposite of you when it comes to seasons. I love summer because of the heat (even though I am not the biggest fan of humidity). I am one of the people who is ALWAYS cold, so summer is like a blessing for me. Anyway, I hope work gets better for you and the weather eases up a little.

    1. Well, I suppose you have a right to say that ;) - though of course you had you perfectly valid reasons for being M.I.A., far more valid then mine. I'm so happy you're back, and even when I can't find the time to comment, I'm faithfully reading your posts!

      Ah, to be young again ;). I didn't particularly mind the heat...some decades ago! Then again, the weather isn't what it used to be anymore (even if the 45th President lives in denial), and I guess I'm not good at adjusting!

  5. It's hard when real life gets in the way of reading and blogging. During the school year I have trouble keeping up with my blog.

    1. Ah, everyone of us has got their burdens ;). At least you have summer to look forward to! Of course, one can't be a consistent blogger all year round that way, but it's still something. Also because blogging shouldn't be about keeping a strict schedule. At the end of the day, when we have done our best, it should be enough (though of course we never feel that way LOL).


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