I feel guilty if I don't, so yes. Also, I can be a bit obsessive about doing things a certain way without allowing exceptions, unless the exceptions have a rhyme and reason to them as well. It took me 9 years to decide not to review each and every book in full (until then, my mini reviews were only temporary, while I was waiting to reread the book and catch up with what I might have missed the first time around), and I only caved because it couldn't be sustained anymore; but I immediately made a rule about writing mini reviews for short stories, novellas (unless they were part of a series I was already reviewing in full before), anthologies and 1-to-3-star books, while the rest would go on receiving the usual full-review treatment. So...whether mini or full reviews, I'm stuck with writing them 😂 🤷♀️.

Well, that's it for now. Did you enjoy this post?
Would you like to participate in the meme on a regular or semi-regular basis, and get emailed the prompt list? Just head over here and fill in Jen's form! (Of course, you can jump in anytime you like - you are under no obligation to actually do all the posts, or even most of them, just because you signed up, and you can remove yourself from the list at any time). And if you're interested in participating in a more casual manner, or only in commenting, here is the TMST prompt list for the rest of May and the months of June and July (I'll explain in a minute):
- May 31st: Do you request ARCs? Why or why not?
- June 7th: Who is your all-time favorite couple or character?
- June 14th: Do you make use of Goodreads recommendations?
- June 21st: What are book no-nos that make you figuratively want to toss a book across the room?
- June 28th: Which books are you looking forward to reading this Summer? (July-August)
- July 5th: Which book turned into a movie is your favorite?
- July 12th: Do you read graphic novels? Why or why not? (a question I submitted)
- July 19th: Tell us about a book that made you cry (movie if you can't remember)
- July 26th: Do you prefer movies or TV series? (a question I submitted)
I'll only be back for the meme on July 26th, because I decided to take a month-long hiatus starting after June 1st (when I have my next Offbeat Offline post planned) and to take it easy in July. I need to concentrate on my job search and my housework, and I plan on reading a few books with no reviews attached for now (that is, I'll write Goodreads minis for them, and if they end up being 3.5-to-5-star material, I'll review them in full later). Also, I applied for an internship that requires for the candidates to be able to use Excel, Word and PowerPoint, and I'm currently studying like mad because I only know the basics...sorry for the disappearance act, but I don't have any time left for commenting right now 🙁 (I need to be "ready" by the end of the month, in case they call...though I'm not holding my breath, because I'm sure they'll favour young blood...). So, basically, expect an already scheduled review on May 28th, and the aforementioned Offbeat Offline installment on June 1st, after which you'll only see me on Twitter, Goodreads and your own blog's comment section...until the beginning of July, that is 😉.
Now tell me you post a review for each and every book? and if you don't, on which basis do you discriminate?
I don't think I can be this devoted to writing reviews as you do - short or long. I don't think it's necessary to review every book you read but I'm lazy and technically I'm not even a book blogger. I mostly do not mention any books that are forgettable or not a good read on blog although when a book cause so many negative thoughts from me, I usually can't help but write a review for them.
ReplyDeleteI don't much like Word or Excel or Powerpoint so I don't envy you for having to learn them but I hope it's not too stressful for you. Good luck with your job search.
Have a lovely day.
"when a book cause so many negative thoughts from me, I usually can't help but write a review for them."
DeleteThere are bloggers who have chosen to focus on books that elicit a positive response from them, and I can see where they're coming from...but I feel closer to your way of thinking (or maybe I should say, gut reaction? 😉).
The funny thing is, I actually like the Office suite! Except for Access, that I tried to learn 25 years ago to no avail (but it doesn't sound like your average job offers require that one knows how to use it). Those programs are a bit complex indeed, especially Excel. But fascinating to me! Thank you!
I don't, simply because some books I read I don't think a worth reviewing. And this doesn't necessarily mean they were awful, they were just "meh," and I feel uninspired to write a review for them.
ReplyDeleteMost reviewers seem to struggle with "meh" books...I, on the other hand, sometimes find it more difficult to do 5-star books justice LOL.
DeleteI don't anymore unless I feel like I have something to say. I always try to for review books even though I don't have many of those these days.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with all your studying and continuing job search!
Karen @For What It's Worth
I envy your relaxed stance LOL. Seriously, even for bought books, I can't...Then again, you've earned it after the blogging turmoil of your first years 😅.
DeleteThank you!
I'm glad for your sake that you've taken the pressure off yourself of always doing full reviews and started doing mini reviews sometimes! I don't review every book, but I do keep info and notes of my thoughts just for myself, so I can understand wanting to do things a certain way.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good compromise!
DeleteI don't review everything. I used to but lately I've been letting a few slide. Or if it's something I want to read but don't feel the need, for whatever reason, to review... I totally get that though, I'm a little OCD (and I don't use that term frivolously, I think I DO have OCD lol) about reviewing stuff, or like you said, being completionist (i.e. reviewing this but not that).
ReplyDelete"I don't review everything. I used to but lately I've been letting a few slide. Or if it's something I want to read but don't feel the need, for whatever reason, to review..."
DeleteThat's freeing!
"I totally get that though, I'm a little OCD (and I don't use that term frivolously, I think I DO have OCD lol)"
I have the same problem...I mean, I haven't been diagnosed with anything (not that I took steps in that direction), so it feels bad to claim the label as my own, but there are some small rituals that I can't avoid, or things that I must do/have in a certain way to keep my peace...BTW, I love the word "completionist" - it's perfect!
It is a good feeling, sometimes, to just move on and NOT review something. I'm more able todo that now than in the past...
DeleteSame! It feels weird, for example, in spite of my comment above if I DON'T review a book. And stuff like that. Like I do put things in certain places and it'll bug me lol if I don't! :)
I don't think that I'll ever be able to let a book slide (I tried not to write a long review for What We Buried and failed, so I know what I'm talking about LOL), but I can totally relate to the other thing...
DeleteI review everything I read because I only read review books these days, lol. Although there was one recently that I hated so much I didn't want the review on my blog so I just put it on Goodreads.
ReplyDeleteOh my 😅. Though I remember your mentioning a book that you weren't even able to finish!
DeleteI think you're quite unique (at least in my circle of blogging friends) with your only reading review books. But you've clearly worked hard in order to become a staple of the reviewing community, and it's great that your dedication paid and publishers shower you with books. Also, I would be overwhelmed if I had to produce such a number of reviews (especially since I'm slow in that respect), so I'm in awe of your writing so many and managing to make them so deep at the same time!
Yes! Obsession! I can not stop
DeleteI cannot not write reviews anymore. It's so much a part of the reading process. I feel unfinished and incomplete if I don't.
ReplyDeleteGood luck on the training and job search. If you think of it, shout a hello if you are on Twitter so I can hear how you are doing!
"I cannot not write reviews anymore."
DeleteUsually it's the other way around...bloggers who used to review each and every book and start "letting a few slide", as Greg put it's interesting that you're doing the opposite.
Thank you, I will! No one can keep me away from Twitter, if for a few minutes a day...😉
You're a star for doing full reviews of every book you read for so long. I write something about each book, but not a full review. I only like to feature 4-5 star rated books on the blog too.
ReplyDeleteI might be (or have been) a star, but what about you? Mini reviews or not, 4-to-5-star reviews alone or not, you post 5 or 6 times a week...🤯
DeleteIt usually takes me a long time to write reviews, most of my reviews are generally very long. So I don't tend to write a review for every single book I read.(Or every movie I watch). I might write some short reviews from time to time, but other than that I just review books I generally really loved (and have something to say about) or books I really hated.
It's a problem when one consume a lot of content...AND tends to write long reviews (same here LOL). There's no time to catch up with everything!
DeleteAgreed, given that I read a lot of books (and at the pace I do), I feel as if whenever I finish a book, I barely have time to get my thoughts together before reading the next one. Also I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)
I do. I usually read a lot of authors that I know I already like but sometimes I read a new author if I win a book or have one sent to me. I like to share what I've read so a review is a good way to do that.
ReplyDeleteI think most of us old-timers can't even conceive not to write a review at this point 😂.
DeleteI used to. Now only if I recommend the book. If there's a book I don't feel strongly about and a publisher gave it to me, I will do Facebook and Instagram posts to highlight the title but I don't feel obliged to spend any more time on a book that wasn't really for me.
ReplyDeleteHaving other outlets than the blog does simplify the task!
DeleteFor the longest time I wrote a review for every book that I read but then at some point it just became more difficult? I think with personal issues back in 2016, I kind of just accepted the fact I can't ALWAYS write a review for every single book. Now I just pick and choose - I try to write a full review, but sometimes it's good to just... not and read for the purpose of just reading with no care in the world and I think after doing it for so long I actually miss it honestly (even though I do enjoy writing reviews). Basically, I think I've gotten to the point where unless I'm under a certain obligation like a blog tour, I really only write a review when I have something to say (and sometimes it'll be a mini, sometimes it'll just be a list on Goodreads).
ReplyDeleteGOOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNINGGGGGGGGG ROBERTAAAAAAAA (I feel like at some point you'll get annoyed with this greeting but until a new greeting is found, you're stuck with me and my greetings 🤣)
"I try to write a full review, but sometimes it's good to just... not and read for the purpose of just reading with no care in the world and I think after doing it for so long I actually miss it honestly (even though I do enjoy writing reviews)."
DeleteI feel this so much. Sometimes I choose my reads accordingly to my "need"/obligation to review them, which isn't ideal. I eased the pressure a little by deciding to only write minis for certain books, but even then, there are SO MANY of them. I envy you 😓 😉.
BTW...your greetings always put a huge smile on my face, so please keep them going 💚.
Oh where to begin? So... kind of? I used do, but then I found myself overwhelmed, so I only "made" myself review the ones I had for review, right? Well. That turned into pretty much every book I read *being* books I read for review, so... here we are. And then, I found that for the dozen or so non-review books I read a year (sad, right?) I'd write a tiny review for all of those too because apparently I can't help myself? So... yeah. I don't think I have read a single book this year yet that wasn't for review though, so that's exhausting! 😂 Enjoy your time off, and good luck with the studies!
ReplyDeleteLOL, when I saw you had commented on this one. I sort of expected you to say "yes". I see you marking lots of books as TBR on Goodreads AND receiving lots from the publishers, but I also see you writing lots of reviews...I hope it takes you far less than it does me to write them, because then it would turn into a full-time job...
DeleteThank you!