December 08, 2020

Tell Me Something Tuesday: How Do You Organise Your Goodreads Shelves?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme created by Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings in order to discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging (and some slightly more personal matters thrown in for good measure). While Heidi is on an extended hiatus, there are five of us who are hosting it and providing the questions. The current team is composed of Berls at Because Reading Is Better Than Real LifeJen at That's What I'm Talking AboutKaren at For What It's WorthLinda at Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Roberta at Offbeat YA. This week's question is...


Nothing fancy here. Apart from your usual Read, Currently Reading and Want to Read main categories, I set up a Not Sure one for books that I need more info about before I commit to buying them. As for the tags proper, I use the same ones as I do on my blog. I see them as a way for other readers to get info about the books, not a way for me to keep track of them. So, they vary from those age-related, to those genre-related, to those about the type of POV or MC (that is, if the lead is female, male, etc.), to those about the hobbies/activities depicted in the story, and more. These are my GR tags/labels if you're curious (in alphabetical order)...

acting / adult / afterlife / bullying / contemporary / contemporary-with-a-twist / creatures / dancing / dystopian / edge-of-society / ethics / family-issues / fantasy / gorgeous-prose / high-school / horror-or-gore / light-reads / mc-double-f-and-unknown / mc-double-ff / mc-double-mf / mc-female / mc-male / mc-multiple / metafiction / mf-friendship / middle-grade / multiverse / music / new-adult / novellas / paranormal / post-apocalyptic / pov-1st-person / pov-3rd-person / queer / radio / sci-fi / short-stories / supernatural / teen-sex / thriller-or-mystery / time-travel / troubled-teens / urban-fantasy / visual-arts-and-crafts / writing / young-adult

Well, that's it for now. Did you enjoy this post? Would you like to participate in the meme on a regular or semi-regular basis, and get emailed the prompt list? Just head over here and fill in Jen's form! (Of course, you can jump in anytime you like - you are under no obligation to actually do all the posts, or even most of them, just because you signed up, and you can remove yourself from the list at any time). And if you're interested in participating in a more casual manner, or only in commenting, here is the TMST prompt list for the rest of December and the month of January:

  • December 15th: What are your favourite posts to write? (a question I submitted)
  • December 22nd: What’s your blogging routine? (a question I submitted)
  • December 29th: What are your favorite books/audiobooks that you read in 2020?
  • January 5th: What are your blogging goals for the new year?
  • January 12th: Resolutions/words of the year - do you do them? What are they for 2021?
  • January 19th: Bookish jobs: if you could do something in the bookish world for employment, what would you choose and why?
  • January 26th: Do you reread? And are you ever tempted to change your ratings when you do? (a question I submitted)

I'll be back on December 15th of course 😉

Now tell me you keep your Goodreads shelves organised, or are they all over the place but you love them that way?


  1. I don't organize my Goodreads shelves at all. I tried to when I first got Goodreads, but it just wasn't something I really needed, since I mostly mood read anyways and I don't really need to set up a strict TBR.

    1. That's quite unique of you...most people have more categories than books LOL.

  2. I did not list all my tags, there are a lot :D But I liked how you grouped yours

    1. Thanks! I hope they're useful...though I rarely read tags myself LOL.

  3. You go hard. I was doing more shelves at one point, but I was too lazy to keep it up, and when I was tagging books, the list seemed endless.

    1. They're not too many, compared to some people's LOL. They're just basic...

  4. Oh my gosh I think I have like, two shelves. Read and TBR maybe? and I haven't been there in ages. I suck.

    1. You must at least have three...Read, Currently Reading and Want to Read - Goodreads' standard ones. You really must have been away from the site for ages LOL 😉.

  5. I am enjoying seeing how different people use Goodreads, which then dictates what shelves they have. I don't use Goodreads but when I start and finish a book, for the most part. So I don't really have a lot of useful shelves. Oh well!

    1. I simply replicate on there what I have on my blog, just in case someone finds it useful. Then again, I don't think many readers look into their peers' shelves for clues LOL (except maybe the basic genre ones that you can see on the right of a book's page). So you don't need to feel guilty 😉.

  6. Mine's a mess and I'd love to just erase several and keep it super simple but that takes work and I have 0 motivation right now

    I mostly use the basics - reading/read what month/year and what format.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It's not that much of a work, really. You just click on the X and it's gone! Come on, I know you can do it! (says the cheerleader 😉).

  7. I have the Goodreads standard ones. I didn't even know you could do more. LOL

    1. LOL, I didn't know there was someone who didn't know 😉.

  8. Interesting, I never even considered that my shelves could be useful to someone else! I guess friends can look at our shelves though. I can see the value of having it aligned to your blog - regardless of whether it's for you or someone else - it creates a nice simple symmetry. A goal I have is to eventually clean up our tags on the blog too. One project at a time though!

    1. "I never even considered that my shelves could be useful to someone else!"
      It's more about the symmetry, as you said, but I also hope that mine can help someone.

      "A goal I have is to eventually clean up our tags on the blog too. One project at a time though!"
      I'm sure it will happen soon! You seem very driven right now 😉. Good luck!


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BTW...I don't care if a post is a million months old - you comment, I respond. And you make my day 😃.
Note: this is an award/tag free blog. Sorry I can't accept nominations due to lack of time.

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