November 15, 2019

Reintroducing..."A Reader's Quirks"

Hello sweeties!

I've got news for you - though for now I'm simply (re)introducing a blog feature that won't go live until sometime in the new year. A while ago, I used to (sporadically at best) unleash my opinionated self in a post series called A Reader's Quirks. For some reason (OK, laziness) I have long stopped coming up with prompts for it, which resulted in my not having written a single ARQ post in more than one year (not to mention, the post before that was from 2015...). But when my friend Lissa from The Memory of Rain did a graphic giveaway, and she later informed me that I was one of the winners, my first thought was "I need a logo for my A Reader's Quirk series, and I'm going to start anew with it!" (yep, I didn't even have a logo for it. I can't design, and free digital art programs are of little use to me without an already existing graphic that I can tweak). So, Lissa designed this fabulousness (with just a couple of heads-ups from me, because she's awesome like that...she even incorporated the little books from my banner on her own accord!), and I'm proud to present it to you!

ARQ logo by digital artist Lissa

Isn't it RAD?!? Now I'm going to retroactively incorporate it in my old ARQ posts (I've listed them below, in case you're curious), and use it in 2020 for my new ones of course. I still haven't scheduled a date for the first post in the revived series, but stay tuned! I can't let such a beautiful banner go wasted, can I? 😉


ARQ 6: The Peter Pan Syndrome (09/16/18)

Of course, while creating new ARQ posts, I'll still participate in Tell Me Something Tuesday (and occasionally contribute with prompts) - there's space and time enough for doing both!

See you next year with A Reader's Quirks!


  1. That's an awesome graphic! I love how it all matches what you already have.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I gave her the colour codes to work with, but she hardly needed any input.

  2. Ooh I'm looking forward to these posts! they sound fun. :)

    Nice job by Lissa on the graphic too!

    1. Thank you! And Lissa does amazing things with her digital art skills.

  3. That graphic is amazing! Lissa is very talented. This feature sounds so fun. I cannot wait for it's re-launch

    1. The logo might ultimately be the best part of it LOL.

  4. I am 1000% in love with the logo!!!
    Also, I am insanely excited about this feature :) I can't wait to read what you have to say!

    1. Me too! It feels great to have something custom-made that really matches what you were looking for.

      That's why I announced the that people would get excited (?!) and I couldn't back out 😂.

    2. Hahaha, good plan! I get it, I need that kind of motivation sometimes too!

    3. I grant you permission to borrow my strategy 😂 😉.

  5. That's a great graphic! Looking forward to the series. :)

    1. Thanks! I'll have to tell Lissa she gained some new fans. And I hope the series won't disappoint LOL.

  6. Awwh, the graphic is super cool! Also, I'm laughing at your prompt "Why I'm Not Reading Your "Sexy" YA Book."

    1. 😂

      That's not just my usual "I don't like sex in my books" attitude. It goes deeper than that...

  7. Oooh great graphic! I always feel a graphic inspires you to write posts. From your old prompts this is something I’d like to participate in. It sounds fun. ������������

  8. Totally rad! It fits in seamlessly with the rest of your blog. Kudos to winning an awesome design. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  9. LOVE the new graphic!! She did a fabulous job with it! Glad you're starting back up with your feature!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. She did! I hope my posts will be up to par 😉.

  10. These prompts sound very interesting! I can’t wait for the posts :D

    1. Thanks! I hope my new ones will be equally interesting 😉.

  11. I think also need some motivation to post. And yes, I do believe that if someone put something out there like you do in this post, it puts an incentive for you to actually do it. I'm one of those people who actually don't like to back out of things if people know about it. It would be a little embarrassing to not do what you said you would do.

    I'm looking forward to your renewed feature, whatever the topic is, I'm sure I would have a few opinions on it.

    And I'm glad you like the design.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Everybody loves it Lissa! You have fans! 😃

      "I'm one of those people who actually don't like to back out of things if people know about it. It would be a little embarrassing to not do what you said you would do."
      Maybe not many people would notice if we didn't, but it's an effective strategy anyway 😉.

      "whatever the topic is, I'm sure I would have a few opinions on it."
      Haha, you betcha 😂 😉.

  12. Replies
    1. I hope my posts will be up to par haha.


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BTW...I don't care if a post is a million months old - you comment, I respond. And you make my day 😃.
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