April 12, 2017

EXCLUSIVE Cover Reveal (+ Blurb): "Deadgirl: Goneward" by B.C. Johnson

Welcome to a very special cover + blurb reveal...

Big tease, I know 😉

You know, as a rule, I don't do reveals. Well, I don't do mass reveals, or reveals for books that I'm not interested in. But this is one of my favourite series ever, so it gets the spotlight, and for free too. Heck, I would even pay for doing it myself. Or maybe not really...but you get the idea 😉.
I believe you heard me raving about Deadgirl and Deadgirl: Ghostlight once or twice. (Oh, but in case you are from another planet or simply new to my blog, don't worry...I'll recap 😀). The one below is the third installment in the Deadgirl four-book series, titled Deadgirl: Goneward. It involves four friends, a road trip and a lot of paranormal mischief. Because you know, main character = dead girl. PHANTOM girl - which is different from ghost girl, in case you're wondering. Lucy Day is something you have never seen in YA. You'd better take my word - I'm the expert in dead-undead characters, as this page testifies 😂.
So, here goes...

Out on May 30th
Deadgirl: Goneward by B.C. Johnson

Title: Deadgirl: Goneward

Series: Deadgirl (Book 3)

Author: B.C. Johnson

Genres: Afterlife, Paranormal, UF

Age: 14+

Available from: May 30th 2017

Cover artist: Andy Garcia

Read my review of Book 1 here

Read my review of Book 2 here

Goodreads and Amazon pages coming later

Between junior and senior year, a magical time exists . . . the final summer of high school.
Lucy Day and her friends (mostly) survived last year's encounter with serial killers, a teenage sorcerer, new romance, and drama class. But - as usual for Team Deadgirl - the horror never ends, there's more monsters to slay, and magic is the worst.
A roadtrip for answers leads to new questions, strange allies, and the wrath of an ancient undead girl named Imogen Dane.
What strange locales will they discover? Will they all make it back home? Did anyone bring snacks?
Dying's Easy. Revenge is Hard.

Deadgirl proud daddy ;)
About B.C. Johnson:

Born in Southern California, B.C. Johnson has been writing since he realized it was one of the few socially acceptable ways to tell people a bunch of stuff you just made up off the top of your head. He attended Savanna High School in Anaheim, and an undisclosed amount of college before deciding that weird odd jobs were a far greater career path.
This lead him to such exciting professions as: aluminum recovery machinist, lighting designer, construction demo, sound mixer, receptionist, theater stage hand, wedding security, high school custodian, museum events manager, webmaster, IT guy, copywriter, and one memorable night as the bouncer at a nightclub. He is trying very hard to add “vampire hunter” and “spaceship captain” to that list.
He currently lives in Garden Grove with his supernal wife Gina, his adorable monster-boy Dash, his half-corgi, half-muppet dog Luna, and his new half-grayhound, half-living-tornado-of-destruction Kaylee. He also spends time with his two brothers, his parents, and his close friends, whose primary pursuit are usually healthy debates about movie minutiea. When he’s not working or writing, he’s been to known to pursue all conceivable geeky avenues of interest including but not limited to video games, the sort of TV shows/movies Benedict Cumberbatch might star in, graphic novels, podcasts, funny gifs, the whole thing.
He’s also been known to apply his special brand of hyperbole and mania to pop-culture humor essays for various websites that can be found on his homepage, bc-johnson.com. B.C. also has a high school noir short story called The Lancer available on Kindle.

Find B.C. Johnson Online:


  1. I love it! It's so rare to have two girls on the cover.

    For What It's Worth

    1. I had not realized it, but you're right! Then again, Lucy's friends are always more than side characters. Johnson writes them with enough depth and screen time for them to become almost-protagonists.


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