February 03, 2022

Offbeat Offline: January 2022 (And Why I Disappeared)

Welcome to Offbeat Offline, where I bring you up-to-date with what went on in my life during the month just gone, give you a sneak peek of my next shenanigans, and share my favourite posts of late!

What happened last month to yours truly? Medical examinations, family emergencies...and news of upcoming unemployment. Remember my 2021? Could any of you, in good conscience, say that I didn't exceed my quota of bad luck last year? And yet. Gosh, I cannot afford not to work. This is an utter and complete nightmare. Give me back my 2021 medical odyssey, please 🥺 😭.

Also, I've pretty much disappeared on everybody lately, blog-hopping included. Alas, having to add job-networking and job-hunting to my already full agenda (not to mention, the family emergency I mentioned above - more of it in a minute) left me with little to no time to visit your blogs and reciprocate your comments. The posts you're seeing lately/will see this month (minus this one) have been scheduled in advance, or in one case, are very low-pressure. As for comments, normally I would add your posts to a list and read/comment when time permits, but at the moment, the best I can do is write a comment here and there on the spot if I happen to read a post in a quiet moment. I hope to be able to talk to you again soon, but in the meantime, I hope you'll understand my plight. 

📚 KEEP IT SIMPLE. In January I made an historic decision: in some selected cases, a mini review will have to do even for books that aren't novellas/anthologies or aren't in the 1-to-3-stars spectrum. I realised that sometimes a long review couldn't possibly say more than I have already said in a mini, plus I don't have the time to reread ALL my books with a full-review mindset AND actually write those reviews anymore. I still plan on writing long reviews for most of them, but if I can't - or I think a mini will suffice - so be it. In retrospect, it was a wise decision, considering what I'm going through right now (more of that below) and the time it takes me to write a full review (up to three days).

I usually like A.S. King's books a lot, but I found myself throwing the towel on her latest, Switch. Too abstract, even for me. Mini DNF review coming later (though I've posted it already on Goodreads). I enjoyed Mira Grant's new novella Square³ instead, and I'll talk about it in my next Review Morsels installment (but again, you can find my mini on Goodreads).

I have a couple of ARCs on my hands at the moment: The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning (more about it below) and Prison of Sleep by Tim Pratt (Book 2 in the Journals of Zaxony Delatree series). I'll do my best to have my reviews posted in time (in March and April respectively).

In the meantime, this is what I have in store for January: I'm going to post a mini-review round called The Seanan McGuire by Any Other Name Edition - Part 2 on the 16th (sorry...it's her again 😳 😂) with three of her novellas, because 1) minis are easy, 2) I have two of these already written, and 3) I wouldn't have the time to read a different book and review it in full right now. The novellas in question are Where the Drowned Girls Go, Square³ (as Mira Grant) and Along the Saltwise Sea (as A. Deborah Baker).

Reviews aside, I'll participate in two Tell Me Something Tuesday rounds: on the 8th (question: What's the Chore You Resent Having to Do the Most?) and on the 15th (question: Has a Book by Your Favourite Author Ever Disappointed You Badly?). Both are prompts that I submitted. Also, on March 1st I'll answer another TMST question: If You Could Have Any Job in the World, What Would It Be and Why? (another prompt of mine). The latter will predate my February wrap-up, so I'm listing it here.

💊 A HEALTHY DOSE. January medical update:
  • I saw the surgeon who operated on my finger, and he thinks I'm doing fine. Of course, the keloid scar isn't going to disappear, which means my finger won't be "normal" anymore, but I "should" be able to move it better in time.
  • My latest bloodwork was much more encouraging than the previous one, so no therapy yet - I only have checkups coming for the time being (yes, I actually released the breath I didn't know I was holding. Or wait, I probably did).
  • The gastroscopy (UUUUUGH, horrible thing, but mercifully brief) pointed out a mild case of GERD, which was expected. The doctor gave me the usual stomach protector (which I was already taking), plus some anti-reflux pills (which are nothing but supplements. It's always supplements these days, and they cost an arm and a leg).

🆘 OUT WITH THE JOB. On Friday 22nd, my boss broke the news to me that our radio station would stop broadcasting on April 30th, which means I'll be unemployed in three months. Covid delivered the final blow, since a radio station lives on advertising, and it was hard enough to find businesses willing to get the money out before the pandemic stroke. I've been wanting to find another job for years now, for a bunch of reasons, but I was too chicken...so it serves me right. The worst thing is, I have a number of problems that prevent me from doing just any kind of job (disabled husband, age + failing health, no driving licence), not to mention, I don't have the kind of experience and/or certification most places look for. I'm aiming at an office or shop job, but it's awfully hard. For now, I've compiled a list of people who might or might not be able to hear something and alert me if they do, and I'm building a list of places where I intend to apply. Again, I've been scarce lately, and I'll probably be even more so in the immediate future, but I'm in over my head, so please don't think I'm purposefully neglecting your blogs. My life was messy enough without this happening 🥺.

An ugly-crying David Tennant...

🦵BREAK A LEG. Speaking of which...the day after I was told I would be unemployed in three months, my mother in law fell on her leg at home and broke her femur. She got surgery and is presently at the local hospital, but on Friday she'll be sent to a rehabilitation center 90 km (56 miles) away for three weeks, because she can't go back home alone for now and we can't keep her (also, at this stage she needs the kind of round-the-clock care that we can't provide...and that my husband wouldn't be able to provide at ANY stage, since he's the one who needs help. Not to mention, she lives in a different municipality...). Also, if you can believe it, the day BEFORE I learned I would be jobless in three months, my husband fell himself while standing up from a chair, hit the table and broke one of his plastic glasses temples, that got SO CLOSE to stabbing him in the eye. I don't even have words for this kind of bad luck 😭.





That's it for now! My next post will be up on Tue. 8th, and it will be the TMST one about chores (see above).

So, what were your highs/lows in the past month?


  1. Totally understand! You have lots going on, don't feel bad.

    I like mini reviews actually, as time goes on I think about doing them more too.

    I'm sorry to hear about the job situation. And your MIL and hubby- yikes. Hope they are both good to go soon.

    You have a lot to deal with so be good to yourself. :)

    1. Thank you! And I'm curious to read some mini reviews from you (though I'm such a fan of the long ones LOL).

  2. Again, I can't begin to express how sorry I am that you're going through all of this, Roberta. Take all the time you need. I know sometimes blogging can be a healthy distraction, but do of course spend as much time with people who need your care. Don't worry about us! We'll be here whenever you're ready :)

    I suppose I can't be too much help on the job front other than just the basic advice of circulating your resume anywhere that interests you, even if they're not hiring. Sometimes people admire folks who just want to get their foot in the door, at least that's what I did. There's also online opportunities for beta and ghost writing agencies. I work with one called The Urban Writers on the side. You could put your blogging and reading skills to use if it's something that would suit. I know it's tough, but keep fighting!

    Thank you for sharing my post :)

    1. Thank you! Alas, I'm not cut to do freelance work, and I need a wage I can count on (plus it needs to be in euros). Anyhow, I'm building a list of places and will start calling them next week. Wish me luck 🙂.

  3. I'm very sorry to hear about all the bad luck you're having. I wish I could offer you a job but sadly, it's not possible.

    I think it's perfectly okay to take time away from blogging in your situation and you shouldn't apologize for it. I hope everything will work out.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you Lissa! Aww, I know you would probably need a different job yourself.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about what happened, I hope things get better for you.🙏

    I agree with everyone, don't feel bad about taking a break from blogging if you feel like you need to or want to. 🙂

    1. Thank you Quinley!

      It's more a break from commenting at this stage, since I have a few posts already written. I hope to find a rhythm that allows me to go back to blog-hopping again!

  5. Don't worry about it if you can't visit, I know you're dealing with a lot. I'm sorry about the keloid scar. I know there are home remedies out there, but idk if any of them would actually work. Glad the bloodwork was better though at least. I do hope some of your problems start getting resolved with some happy endings <3 Thanks for sharing my post, I'm off to check out some of the others :-)

    1. Thank you! I badly need a happy ending, not to mention a break to begin with...

  6. ((HUGS)) Roberta. I have faith that there is a great opportunity out there for you, and I am keeping my fingers crossed you find it.

    1. I wish I shared your faith, but I hope the good vibes you're emitting will reach me eventually! 💚

  7. I'm sorry about your rough month, especially your job. I hope something wonderful comes along! And thanks for linking my husband's blog! Take care, Roberta😁

    1. Thank you Tammy! And the blog looks amazing.

  8. Yeah, real life is stressful right now and we all get it. You do what you need to do and hopefully things will get better in the future.

    1. Thank you - I feel like a bad friend right now, but it is what it is 😥. Twitter I can manage, but visiting and commenting takes time. I hope to be back soon!

  9. UGH... I'm so sorry your 2022 started off with so many difficulties. Thanks for letting us know what's going on! Take the time you need - we'll be here for you when you come back. *HUGS*

    1. I know you will, because you're all awesome people - but it's nice to hear it 💚.

  10. "The Seanan McGuire by Any Other Name Edition"
    I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I love this. 😂

    Best of luck with your job search, lovely! I'm hoping your luck turns around soon. 💛

  11. Oh no I'm so sorry about you losing your job. I completely get not affording not working because I'm definitely in that same boat (and not going to lie, but it was a pretty huge argument with my mom back in 2020 when COVID just started peaking and my mom had way more faith in the US than I did).

    I'm also in the job hunt boat currently (not that I'm really talking about it), at least very casually mostly because my current employer is planning on moving (and rumors are it's going to be a pretty long drive, but nothing confirmed on that one, hence very casual hunting). Manifesting a new job for both of us. The job market is extremely stressful and competitive currently (plus the amount of entry level descriptions wanting 5 years experience - excuse me, but where do I get this experience when no one wants to take a chance on me lol?)

    Honestly, though, don't ever feel bad about needing to take a step back from blogging and commenting; I completely understand it. And of course, I'll take whatever you do have time for and still scream GOOD MORNING ROBERTAAAAAA whenever I can.

    1. It's a shame that you have to "very casually" look for a new job. I mean...from what I gathered, you could as well do yours completely from remote, couldn't you? Gah. I hope you'll find something, OR at least you won't have to commute too far...

      "(plus the amount of entry level descriptions wanting 5 years experience - excuse me, but where do I get this experience when no one wants to take a chance on me lol?)"
      Exactly...and same here (maybe not necessarily 5 years, but...).

      "And of course, I'll take whatever you do have time for and still scream GOOD MORNING ROBERTAAAAAA whenever I can."
      I almost cried, dammit. Thank you, my oldest follower and friend 🧡.

  12. Do what's right for you - we understand (and anyone who doesn't really doesn't deserve your time and attention.) I hope things look brighter soon!

    And thank you so much for linking to the link list! XD <3

    1. "we understand (and anyone who doesn't really doesn't deserve your time and attention.)"

      Thank you! And I was happy to do that 🙂.


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BTW...I don't care if a post is a million months old - you comment, I respond. And you make my day 😃.
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