July 14, 2020

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Does Your Reviewing Style Change Depending on the Book?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings, where the blog's owner Heidi discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.
Here is what is on deck this week:


I was the one who came up with this question, and I'm really curious about your answers! Does the genre you're reading, or the fact that you enjoyed a book immensely/found it average/hated it, or even your mood, influence your reviewing style?
For me, it never really changes. Sometimes I wonder if I'm reliable...or simply boring LOL. I mean, the length of my reviews may vary, but that's not a sign of me enjoying the book more (long review) or less (short one). There are books you can't very well say too many things about, because you'd spoil them big time. As for the style...I try to go in deep, rarely fangirl (or, I fangirl responsibly. Is that even a thing? 😂), am never snarky (though I came close to it once). As I said, that may be because I'm reliable...or because I'm boring...or (wishful thinking) because...

Feel free to ignore the statement above LOL.

Well, that's it for now. And if you're interested in participating, here is the TMST prompt list for the rest of July and the month of August:

  • July 21st: What ruins a good read for you?
  • July 28th: What things make a good book for you?
  • August 4th: Positive post: share something kind or positive
  • August 11th: Book challenge: Challenge fellow bloggers to read a book you think they would enjoy
  • August 18th: What book worlds would you love to visit?
  • August 25th: What book worlds would you not like to find yourself in?

I'll be back for the meme on July 28th, but I'll visit your July 21st posts if you have any!

Now tell me something...is your reviewing style consistent? or does it depend on the book?


  1. 'Fangirl responsibly' - oh yeah, I do that, kind of. I suppose you shouldn't say things you know would be too mean, I certainly try doing that when writing anything that's not fiction. And I do think you're a professional, you certainly seems like it to me.

    I'm snarky if a book is really bad plus I think we should be able to make fun of books if we want to. I don't think I have style or any kind of consistency to reviewing books. But I do try to keep it as short as possible because I don't like reading long reviews unless they are rants or snarky or funny reviews.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. "And I do think you're a professional, you certainly seems like it to me."
      That's a huge compliment, thank you!

      Unless we're attacking authors, I suppose making fun/being snarky can be acceptable, but I don't have that in me. And I understand not wanting to write/read long reviews...sometimes, the shortest the sweetest...though I can't seem to have that in me either 😂 - except when I do set on writing a mini-review (but then I have to proceed to write a long one for the same book...).

  2. I like to think that my reviewing style is fairly consistent. I like to mildly fangirl, and I feel like my reviews can a lot of the times have a sprinkling of sarcasm. However, if I truly hated a book to the point where it bored me to tears, then my reviews of that book can be a little boring in my opinion.

    1. A sprinkling of sarcasm isn't a bad thing - after all, we always say that reviews are for anyone but authors. Though some of them do read reviews and I always feel a little seen when I write one LOL. (That's probably why I practice both honesty and kindness when I review a book). And I still have to read a review of yours that I found boring 🙂.

  3. I do like to mix up the format of my review, but it has nothing to do with the book. It's more about my mood, to be honest.

  4. I notice that my reviewing style does change with different books, but it's more on how much I have to say on the book :D Sometimes I have a lot to say and can form coherent sentence, other times it's just all the feels and that's where GIFs and bullet point reviews come in :D No matter the writing the style, I tend to organize by pros cons or elements of the book :)

    Great post!

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. Pros/cons and the likes are useful, so one always get their bearings while reading your reviews, whatever the style. And I understand writing reviews in different lengths (it's probably the only thing that can vary in mine haha).

      Thank you and nice to meet you!

  5. I don't think my style changes all that much either. I try to keep fangirling to a minimum and focus on what I noticed most about the book, its strengths/weaknesses, etc. I think I'm trying to give people objective (or as close as possible) reasons for picking up a book or not picking it up, which is what I look for in reviews too. It doesn't matter that much if *I* loved it or not, as long as readers know they like good character development, strong world-building, certain kinds of writing, etc. That may well be boring too, though. 😂 Sometimes I get in a rut of three-stars and feel like I'm repeating myself a lot. I like your reliable reviews, and I don't think I've ever been bored "listening" to you talk about books. 💛

    1. As far as objective reviews go, yours are very personal nevertheless! There are always those glimpses into your own experience and/or humorous remarks that keep them from being professional in an aseptic way. Those are my favourite reviews - nothing boring in there 😉.

      And thank you!

  6. I honestly never change it oopps.. but i definitely should haha!

    1. LOL, why? It's not a bad thing to have a style 😉.

  7. Congrats on having your question chosen! My reviews have definitely changed, I think because I was following all of the different blogger trends throughout the years. Long reviews, short reviews, reviews with gifs. There was definitely a snarky period for me but it was shortlived.

    1. I remember the "reviews with gifs" trend LOL.

  8. I think I'm rather consistent when I review. I do fangirl at times specially when I get a really good book from a series that I've been reading for a long time.

    1. That's understandable! We're allowed to get excited over our favourites series/ books.

  9. I wouldn't say my review style changes significantly, but the ease with which I review does fluctuate A LOT depending on how I enjoyed the book I read and what the reading experience was like. In general tend to find it easier to talk about books that I disliked because I can find specific areas to critique. With books I like, especially books that resonate with me because of a personal experience, I struggle to separate the review and being critical from my own memories that I want to share (or I just find it hard to articulate why I liked a book so much!).
    claire @ clairefy

    1. That's an interesting point you made. But for instance, personally, I believe that reviews incorporating a personal experience aren't less valid than "objective" ones. They can still steer the right person towards the right book, exactly because of that - which is what we're all aiming for, isn't it? 🙂


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