August 27, 2019

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Why Do You Read Blog Posts?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings, where the blog's owner Heidi discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.
Here is what is on deck this week:


Well...I was prepared to go above and beyond as usual, but I realised I don't need a ton of words to explain how I feel, so I'll keep it short and sweet this time.
I know you don't believe me 😜.

Unless it's reviews (that we already discussed in a previous TMST installment), and unless it's a post by a complete stranger that sounds like something I might be interested in...I mostly read blog posts because I care about the people, or because I want to support them and their blog (also by commenting on such posts of course), or because I know them well enough to be fairly sure that they'll make me laugh -  or at least put a smile on my face. Seriously - is there a better reason? 😉 Fight me LOL.

Well, that's it for now. And if you're interested in participating, here is the TMST prompt list for the month of September:

  • September 3rd: Fall picks for 2019
  • September 10th: Are there authors/books that everyone seems to love but you don’t?
  • September 17th: How do you handle writing reviews for books that you didn’t love?
  • September 24th: What do you do to relax and relieve blogging stress?

I'll be back for the meme on September 10th, but with a tweak on the original question:
Are there popular genres/authors/books that everybody seems to read but don't appeal to you in the slightest?

Now tell me something...what drives you to read blog posts? what do you like to see in them?


  1. Bahahahaha!!! You REALLY did keep it short & sweet!

    I totally agree! It's more about the people at this point - as I have very little in common book wise with most blogs I follow. And some of the bloggers (like you) I've known for YEARS. I genuinely like everyone and want to check in.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. LOL, I even managed to surprise myself!

      It's funny how we tend to hit it off with people who don't read the same books as us!

  2. 100% agree, I'm also more prone to read discussion posts over review posts.

    1. It's ironic that we all seem to do that, since we are in it for the books LOL. But the fact is, we often make friends with people who have completely different reading tastes!

  3. This is actually a really good question, and I had to think about it a minute! Some blogs I go to because I consider them friends after all this time, and some I just love the voice or the content- others are mostly about books that I don't read but I still go there to support their blog just because they're awesome people! So yeah... I guess that's it haha!

  4. I always prioritize the posts of my friends. When I find I am short on time, I will skip a lot of posts so I can visit people I consider part of my squad. I think that's why I love wrap up posts too. They fill me in on how my pals are doing. I also like to read reviews and list type posts, where I can learn about a bunch of books that are related in some way. (ex Top Ten Tuesday)

    1. Proud to be on the squad! 😃

      Wrap-up posts are usually funny, too - they never fail to bring a smile on my face (unless there are bad news of course). And yay, you DO read reviews! I rarely read list posts, but I see your point.

  5. I think I have the same reasons! I read reviews regularly and blog posts if it's a subject that interests me, but I only stick with a blog for the blogger. It's a nice little community of support! 💛

    1. It is! And you're proof of that - what with being on Tumblr and still visiting and commenting on here 😘.

  6. Love blogs that make me laugh (AJ @ Read All the Things is always good for that). :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. We can always use a good laugh! And luckily, there's quite a number of bloggers who can be both profound and funny (yes, AJ is one of them).

  7. Oh, I read blog posts so I can scream good morning at you, Roberta. Speaking of which... GOOD MORNINGGGGGGGGGGGGG ROBERTA.

    On a serious note, though, I read (and leave my two cents on) blog posts if they interest me and sometimes I'll stick with the blog for the blogger. Since I'm frequently short on time, I usually prioritize friends (and even then, I don't always prioritize them because if I'm busy, I'm just prioritizing ME) before others.

    1. LOL, thank you! You're like my little rooster. A cute and friendly rooster who doesn't wake me up before my time 😉.

      That makes sense - it sounds like, for the majority of us, it's more about the bloggers and less about the things they talk about...I only hope that we're not shouting into a void with our reviews and recommendations though 😱. And yes, sometimes we don't even have the time and strength to blog-hop, and it's not the end of the world - each and every one of us has been there. We understand 🙂.

  8. Similarly to you I read blogs to support people who/whose content I enjoy, and also because, well, I enjoy them. :) I also try to discover new blogs frequently, especially when I unfollow some of the old ones, or when I realize some of the bloggers I've been following have stopped blogging. :( To be honest, I discover most books I read thanks to blogs. And even when I discover them on my own it definitely pushes them closer to the top of my tbr to see my favorite bloggers talking about them... or it can also make me delete them if they hate it, and I agree with their reasoning. Anyhow, I bloody love blogs haha. Great post!

    1. LOL. Thank you!

      I rarely discover books via my favourite blogs, because my closest friends read very few books in my genres of choice. It's great that you're able to kill two birds with a stone instead (horrible metaphor, I know, but the English language apparently doesn't have a better one for this).

  9. I agreed with you. Without people, there would be no blogs. I think people are their blogs or at least, they are like their blog or that their blog is like them, like an extension of them. I don't might strangers if they have a good blog.

    I do love blogs that makes me laugh like those snarky reviews or those posts that make such good points or those that provokes you so much that you have to respond.

    But really, I don't need a reason to read blogs. These days with social media, we move too fast to focus too long on just one thing but to me, blogs are the slow version of social media because you can read something from years before and even if the content is not relevant today, it's still worth reading.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Quote: "to me, blogs are the slow version of social media".
      That's a clever and insightful remark!


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BTW...I don't care if a post is a million months old - you comment, I respond. And you make my day 😃.
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