May 28, 2019

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Who Are Some of Your Favourite Authors?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings, where the blog's owner Heidi discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.
Here is what is on deck this week:


I have been known for reading any mystery Agatha Christie, Ellery Queen, John Dickson Carr/Carter Dickson and Rex Stout ever wrote. Or, I'm still missing a few of them, but it's a goal of mine. (I do have the whole Christie collection though - I only need her Mary Westmacott books to make it complete). If we're talking about living and breathing authors though, I have three favourites - two of which I have discovered since I started blogging.

CHRISTOPHER PIKE. I basically got into book blogging because of his novel Remember Me - the very first YA book I read in my already mature age (I was around 30), and the one that started my love for afterlife stories. (Plus, you know, the very first review I wrote). He might not be the best writer who ever lived, but his stories (almost) never fail to capture me. They're weird, different, often kaleidoscopic - he's never afraid to mix genres and try odd, but ultimately tasteful recipes. Here's the blog page I dedicated to him, where I'm listing all his books and detailing my reasons for loving him so much.

B.C. JOHNSON. I've been shouting from rooftops about his debut book Deadgirl (and the subsequent series) since 2013. (...SO YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET??? 😡 😜). He has published traditionally, then his publisher shut up shop and he's putting forth the last books in the series on his own. He also wrote the first installment in another series that I'm equally in love with. Don't let yourself get fooled by the indie thing - sometimes publishers can't see what's under their noses. They're afraid to take risks, lalala, you know the drill. Johnson's characters have a peculiar voice, and they're thrust into equally peculiar situations, and you gotta love them. Because there's no other way around them.

NOVA REN SUMA. The first book by her I read was The Walls Around Us, and I fell in love. Her stories are spellbinding, her prose poetical without being purple. She clearly has a thing for magical realism, but her characters - her girls - are so real you feel like you can touch them. You never know what to expect in her books, and still, when it happens, you feel like it's the only logical (so to speak) thing that could have happened. I am a fangirl when it comes to her, and I don't even need to read blurbs or reviews for her novels anymore. If she ever feels inclined to write adult books, or NA books, or animal books, or plant books, I'm so there for that.

Well, that's it for now. And if you're interested in participating, here is the TMST prompt list for the month of June:

  • June 4th: Who are some of your favourite audiobook narrators?
  • June 11th: Summer picks for 2019
  • June 18th: Do you think Advanced Reading Copies are worth it?
  • June 25th: How do you keep going when sometimes blogging feels like too much?

I'll be back for the meme on June 25th, but I'll make sure to read your answers for the ARC question (I don't really get ARCs anymore since Curiosity Quills went out of business, except for the random one I receive from "my" authors...), because it's an interesting one.

Now tell me you have any auto-buy authors? or simply authors that you mean to read anything from one day?


  1. Sadly, I have not read any books by these authors, though, I have a Suma book on my TBR. I actually really love pretty prose. I appreciate people, who are able to command the language so well.

    1. Pike has been around, like, forever...since the '80s, actually. It's a little odd that you haven't stumbled on any of his books, but to be honest, he and Johnson would hardly be your cup of tea. Suma, though, I think you might like!

  2. Master of the short

    I have Johnson's on my Kindle (I KNOW - I haven't read it yet. For shame) but the Suma books intrigue me even though that's not what I like lol *see master of the blurb* thing above.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Quote: "Master of the short".
      I might add it to my Twitter bio LOL.

      I know...I coaxed you into buying Deadgirl long ago...but I also probably set up expectations so high, you've been afraid to actually read it LOL. Suma though...I think you might acquire a taste for her books. After all, the writing is gorgeous.

  3. I saw that you had done TMST this week and I automatically went "Christopher Pike will be on this list" haha. I completely forgot about Agatha Christie however...oops! I started a post for this this week, but stopped partway because I didn't feel super motivated. I have some interesting posts lined up instead though!

    1. Good old Chris is a part of me by now haha. And I might have mentioned him once or twice...

      Looking forward to those posts! In the meantime, I bookmarked the one about mental health...I'll get to it sometime...aaargh. It's been so hectic lately, what with poll duty and...everything else.

  4. Is it weird that I expected to see these 3 names on your list? xD I'm yet to read anything by any of these authors (barring one short story by Nova Ren Suma) but do know that if I ever do pick up Christopher Pike or B. C. Johnson, it would be entirely because of you!

    1. LOL, that day I will feel so proud! And congrats on guessing all three!

      I don't know about Pike or Johnson, but Suma might be your cup of tea...

  5. As always, I admire your restraint in only choosing three authors. 😂 I love that Pike got you blogging, and that he's the reason we became friends! (There are many reasons we stayed friends, but I credit him with the initial contact.) I agree with everything you wrote about him. He almost never fails to bring his own unique twist to things. I think he's an author people either love or hate almost immediately, and those who love him can't quite explain why--but we will always love him, and we're pretty fanatical about it.

    I don't know how anyone can read your blog and not eventually be curious enough to give Deadgirl a try! I still need to read Daphne, but I accidentally got myself caught up in a summer reading challenge with Forgotten YA Gems... so I pretty much just signed over the next three months to reading old YA and squeezing in NetGalley books whenever I can. Oops lol. My TBR piles are already giving me evil looks.

    1. Quote: "There are many reasons we stayed friends, but I credit him with the initial contact."
      Absolutely! It takes more than a favourite someone or something to stay friends, but I'm thankful for his books that caused us to virtually meet in the first place!

      Quote: "I don't know how anyone can read your blog and not eventually be curious enough to give Deadgirl a try!"
      That's what I regularly wonder about LOL. But alas, most of my friends are more into contemporary or straight-up fantasy books. Also, usually, it takes much more than a single enthusiastic reader (as committed as she can be) to talk people into taking a chance on an obscure series...😥 😉

      LOL, I saw you posting about Forgotten YA Gems. You're fond of complicating your life, aren't you? 😂

  6. "Also, usually, it takes much more than a single enthusiastic reader (as committed as she can be) to talk people into taking a chance on an obscure series..."

    Hmm. We must be slightly outside the average then. I feel like I'm willing to try something if one person is really screaming about it. I love how much people are in love with their favorite books.

    I really am! 😂 My team-members just backed out though, so it looks like I'll be doing the challenge solo. That will make things easier and give me a chance to knock some more things off my TBR.

  7. Quote: "I feel like I'm willing to try something if one person is really screaming about it."
    Thank goodness for that! I've screamed myself coarse for that series 😂.

    Your team members probably felt summer in the air all of a sudden, and decided to go outdoors...with no book at hand LOL. Good luck!


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