April 15, 2013

Book Blogger Confessions: Blogging in Time Edition

Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about blogging-related topics. This meme is hosted by Midnyte Reader and For What It's Worth. So click on the link(s), grab the logo and jump right in! Let's get to know each other a little better :).

April 15 Question: How long do you see yourself blogging for? Do you think it's ok for a blog to evolve over time? For example: You may have started out as a book review blog but now your interest is in cooking as well. Do you incorporate that or start over?

Um, though question. I've only been blogging since October, so it's not like I got drained or something. Also, it's been relatively tranquil so far, since I've not entered the big scene yet - and I don't even know if I ever will. Anyway, the fact is, this is my one and only corner of the net, so I suppose I won't let go of it that easily ;). Not to mention that it makes me feel part of a community. And it makes me rack my brain in order to write in irreproachable English, or come as close to it as I can - which is good, because I love that.
Evolving over time is OK to me, as long as the blog doesn't lose its identity. Should I feel the need to talk about something else steadily, I would for sure open a second blog.

How laconic uh? So unusual for me ;D. It's your turn already!


  1. Keep it fun! That's the key to longevity with blogging IMHO.

    I'm glad that it's been tranquil so far ;-))

    1. Wise words - I'm trying! And I'm toying with the idea of making the blog more interactive, because I'm sure it would be even more fun...not for me only, but for everyone. Still in search of inspiration though.

  2. Yes the community is amazing , and yes I don't think that the blog should lose its identity with blogging ,but it can sure change :)

    1. I'm already pondering on some small (???) changes myself, when the right idea strikes...so yes, I suppose it can :).

  3. I agree about the community aspect - it's the one thing that kept me coming back when I've hit rough patches. Great thoughts!

    1. Thanks!
      In my short blogging life, I've met some nice people already myself. It's great to know that one can count on them if need be.

  4. The community is such a nice part of blogging. My mantra is to keep it fun and not an obligation. :-)

    Happy Reading!

    1. It's what I'm trying to do as well - my reading pleasure would definitely get spoiled if I felt like I have to read a book, maybe in a hurry...though I have to admit it's easy to feel guilty if one hasn't posted in a few days :(.
      Happy reading to you too!

  5. I agree that my blog is my little corner. I am glad that you are still enjoying blogging and I hope you continue to do so. I think your English is phenomenal. Maybe you can do a feature on your blog where you teach *us* Italian!

    1. LOL now I'm picturing me in front of a class of grown-ups in smocks.
      "Phenomenal" is much too generous but thanks! *blows kiss*

  6. It's great that blogging has been tranquil for you. You will definitely meet lots of great bloggers~! :)

    1. Tranquil is good but I still want to do something more with it. I hope I'll be able to without getting in a frenzy!


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