Hi my sweeties!
I, um, have a confession to make...I might go on a small hiatus this month.
I was congratulating myself for being so brave this summer - posting once a week even without a weekly meme forcing me to do so (like the
Summer Blogger Promo Tour in 2015). And I did mean to keep on course...
I even wanted to do my own Spooky October this year. But the thing is - no, the things are...
- I have a few books to read and review, but since they are in PDF and I don't have a portable reading device, I can't do the most of my time. One of them I requested from the author (Crash Alive by Christopher Kerns), so I feel even worse at the thought of delaying the read any longer (well, I've read half the book, but still), not to mention my promised review - but I just can't keep up with everything right now...Yes, I know, I need to invest in a notebook, so that I can read and write everywhere and everywhen - but it just isn't possible for now :( ;
- I agreed to beta-read the latest baby of Troy H. Gardner - which, if you don't know him, is Erin Callahan's writing partner for the Mad World series, and (among other things) the author of a funny and diverse contemporary on Wattpad that you all should totally read;
- I also agreed to write a guest post for (in strict alphabetical order) Ruzaika and Veronika at The Regal Critiques (to be featured in their own Spooky October), and I want it to be special, just as they deserve it to be...;
- Family/work reasons. Nothing major, but I'm finding it difficult to stay afloat, especially because...
- I'm tired. My body is tired. My mind is tired. Right now, the latter just wants to post funny (?) comebacks on Twitter, and play silly escape games on the net during working hours (without finishing a single one ever).
So, I basically need quiet reading time before I try and find more writing time. I need to recharge. I need to have no string attached for a little while. I need time (and a clear mind) to comment on my friends' and blogging buddies' posts. I need to feel the spark. Just a little rest, and I'll be good as new...
(One of my favourite Freddie offstage moments! ♥) |