May 18, 2024

Matteo L. Cerilli: "Lockjaw" (ARC Review)

Title: Lockjaw [on Amazon | on Goodreads]
Series: None
Author: Matteo L. Cerilli [Site | Goodreads]
Genres: Alas, nothing to see here, since revealing the genre(s) would ruin your reading experience...If you want to go into the book without knowing anything vital about it, I recommend that you not read the Labels at the end of my review either. No need to worry though - the review itself will be spoiler-free...
Year: 2024
Age: 14+
Stars: 4/5
Pros: A captivating look at friendship, sisterhood, marginalised identities on one hand, power abuse and lack of empathy/conspiracy of silence in a suburban setting on the other. Includes a brilliant twist that puts all the previous events in perspective.
Cons: Slow start. Some metaphor iterations.
WARNING! Blood and gore, violence, near-drowning, animal deaths. Toxic/neglecting adults, domestic violence (off-page), bulling, racism, transphobia (also internalised).
Will appeal to: Those who like books that straddle the line between the ordinary and the supernatural. Those who enjoy stories about a (diverse) band of misfits.

Blurb: Chuck Warren died tragically at the old abandoned mill, but Paz Espino knows it was no accident - there's a monster under the town, and she's determined to kill it before anyone else gets hurt. She'll need the help of her crew- inseparable friends, bound by a childhood pact stronger than diamonds, distance or death - to hunt it down. But she's up against a greater force of evil than she ever could have imagined. (Amazon excerpt)

Review: First off...DISCLAIMER: I requested this title on Edelweiss. Thanks to Penguin Random House/Tundra Books for providing a temporary ecopy. This didn't influence my review in any way.


To me, this book has a "before" and an "after". At first I was baffled, because while it was marketed as YA, the protagonists seemed to be on the MG spectrum (11 going on 12), and the writing was very descriptive - two things that I don't fare well with; not to mention I hadn't signed for the first one, and I didn't understand how the very characters who were supposed to be the protagonists according to the synopsis could be younger than the synopsis itself promised (see the "trans YA horror" label). Then a few different, older perspectives started to appear (YA, NA), and the style partly changed as the action took over, so I began to enjoy the story more...but things definitely shifted for me midway through, when a mind-blowing twist changed my whole perspective about the previous (and present) events, and left me both in awe and desperate to unravel the mystery. Mind you, the twist didn't come out of the blue - Cerilli left enough bread crumbs on the way to it that all the pieces fell into place once the reveal happened, all while being able to cover his tracks. Before the twist, a couple, maybe three incidents made my brain tingle for a moment, but then I proceeded to rationalise them and promptly forget about that "something is off" feeling...also because the truth was too outrageous to figure out. All I can say is, said twist put the story firmly into the "weird and wonderful" territory that I favour in literature, and made all the difference for me in terms of REALLY enjoying this novel. [...]


Regardless of the sense of awe and the enjoyment that the twist can generate, Lockjaw has a lot to offer in terms of social commentary. It tackles power abuse and/or neglect (especially towards children) in a suffocating suburban context; racism and queerphobia; trying to fit in or staying true to yourself (and the price to pay in both cases); trauma, revenge and forgiveness; and the monster that lies under every small town. It explores friendship, sisterhood and parenthood, different shades of transmasculinity, and internalised transphobia. It doesn't hold back when it comes to the horror (and there's more than one kind), but it offers empathy and consolation to every kid who's ever felt like an outcast, and ultimately, forgiveness to those who have been raised to be tormentors (or keepers of the status quo) but see the error of their ways. It's a brutal, yet tender book that straddles genres and age ranges (at least with its characters, because I wouldn't recommend it to a MG demographic, what with it being quite gory and adult in places), and a very solid debut for an author I hope to read more from in the near future.

For more books that defy categories click here..


  1. A top secret genre. Hmmmm. Glad to hear it was a solid read for you.

    1. Haha, let's say it's a mix of genres, but one aspect in particular I can't divulge because it would spoil EVERYTHING.

  2. I like when a twist will change things in a story so that I enjoy it even more.

    1. The best thing is, I was caught completely by surprise!

  3. I want to read this just for the twist!

    1. Regardless of the twist, it's a solid read, but if you like jaw-dropping surprises and narratives that stay with one foot in the contemporary realm and one...elsewhere, it's awesome!

  4. Got to admit the sound of that twist has me intrigued!! Great review!

    1. Thank you! The twist caught this seasoned reader by surprise...

  5. The uburban setting and that ominous blurb have me curious... the twist as well. A solid debut sounds like.

    Thank you for the kind words on my blog

    1. The blurb doesn't lie...but it covers the book's tracks so well at the same time 😁. As for the twist...😮

      Glad you're back!


  6. Wow, your review has me hooked! The "before" and "after" twist sounds like it completely changes the game, which is so exciting. I love when a book can surprise you like that and make you see everything in a new light. The social commentary and themes of power, trauma, and identity make it sound like a deep and meaningful read too. Definitely adding Lockjaw to my list—thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Let's say that the twist isn't only exciting and has everything to do with the main social theme of the book as well. So, win-win! I hope you do manage to read it eventually - also because it would be fun to compare notes!


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