October 01, 2024

Offbeat Offline: September 2024 (Plus Announcing the Last Hiatus of the Year)

Welcome to Offbeat Offline, where I bring you up-to-date with what went on in my life during the month just gone, give you a sneak peek of my next shenanigans, and share my favourite posts of late!

What happened last month to yours truly? Basically nothing - nothing new at least (I'll take it as a win). After the third visit in 20 days, I've been told my retina is still intact, but I should do a check-up in 3 or 4 months. My husband's ulcer is going well. The heat has receded. I've read the last book in one of my favourite series ever. It could be worse...and it often has been, so 🤐.

📚 SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING BLUE NEW. I decided to do some rereads this month - also because I was waiting for a last-minute ARC, so I needed to be able to interrupt my reading at any given moment to dive into it. The ARC came (if a little later that I had envisioned, due to formatting issues - so my review got postponed, if only by a few days), and it was a blast! Here's my monthly bookish recap...

Approvals (0+2...that is, no real approvals this month, but an ARC from the author and another one I decided to download from a publisher that auto-approved me a while ago):
For Lucy and her friends, the end is here.
The deals they've made have fallen apart, and their enemies prepare a final attack on everything Team Deadgirl holds dear. An army of monsters out of a nightmare arrives on their doorstep, but Lucy, Morgan, Zack, and Daphne are scattered, unprepared, and alone.
When an old villain turns out not to be as dead as they appeared—which is sort of Lucy's thing—the team again faces the one girl they were never able to defeat.
And she isn't just seeking revenge against Lucy. She's after something far worse.
  • Darkly by Marisha Pessl (YA, thriller - autoapproved on NetGalley UK)
When an ad for an internship with the Louisiana Veda Foundation poses this question, seemingly every high school student in the country rushes to apply. Arcadia “Dia” Gannon has been obsessed with Louisiana Veda, the late game designer whose obsessive creations have attained a cultlike status, ever since she and her mom played Disappearing Act—but Dia has never won anything in her life. So she’s shocked when she’s chosen as an intern, along with six other teenagers from around the world.
Little is known about Louisiana Veda. Her game-making empire, Darkly, was renowned for its ingenious, terrifying toys and games, rife with hidden symbols and secrets. But after Veda’s mysterious death, Darkly went bankrupt, and production was discontinued. The remaining games are priced like highly sought-after works of art, with the rarest and most notorious items commanding tens of millions of dollars at auction.
Now the interns are thrust into the enigmatic heart of Louisiana Veda’s operation, and Dia immediately questions everything: Who are these other kids? Why do they all seem to have something to hide? And why was she really chosen? It soon becomes clear that this summer will be the most twisted Darkly game of all.

Reads (7):
Very good, though not what I expected (which is often a badge of honour with me, so...).
  • Deadgirl: Gravedust (Deadgirl #5) by B.C. Johnson (see above)
A whirlwind of emotions...
A trippy take on time travel and classism...or a twist on dark academia, only with time travel...
  • Darkly by Marisha Pessl (see above)
Highly improbable, but fun!

  • The Wonder State by Sara Flannery Murphy (Adult/YA, magical realism – reread [pub. 2023])
A dark, yet poetical story steeped in magic, with a double timeline. I can see myself rereading it multiple times and never getting tired of it. Here's my old ARC review.
  • Mister Magic by Kiersten White (Adult, supernatural  – reread [pub. 2023])
Again, a dark - yet emotive and hopeful - childhood-friends reunion on the backdrop of a supernatural mystery, with some flashbacks; but a different book altogether from the above. I got hooked a second time. Here's my old review.
  • Last Exit by Max Gladstone (Adult, multiverse/urban fantasy  – reread [pub. 2022])
Another estranged-friends reunion, but again, different from the other two. Engrossing, visionary yet painfully rooted in reality, with excellent characterisation and writing to boot. Here's my old review (technically not an ARC one, because I was approved for the UK version, but the book had already come out in the US).

Reviews (4):
  • The Darkness Behind the Door by Mira Gonzalez (see above)
Scheduled for November.
  • Deadgirl: Gravedust (Deadgirl #5) by B.C. Johnson (see above)
You might remember I already posted my review last month. Another 5-star rating for this series...the last one, since this was the finale. MY EMOTIONS 😭.
  • Streetlight People by Charlene Thomas (see above)
Mini review scheduled for November.
  • Darkly by Marisha Pessl (see above)
Mini review scheduled for November.

Normally at this point I would list the reviews I plan on posting and the TMST prompts I plan on answering in October, but I'm taking the month off in order to focus on my ARCs and on housekeeping. In the meantime, here's the TMST prompt list for the rest of October (the first question of the month was scheduled for today), in case you want to join in:

  • October 8th: Tell us about your favorite fall comfort foods
  • October 15th: Who is your ideal book boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • October 22nd: What are the top three items on your bucket list?
  • October 29th: How do you like to be scared? Horror or thriller?

🌦️ A BREATH OF FRESH AIR. The heat has been leaving us alone for a while now, thankfully. A week or so into the month, it rained, and the temps took a dive - then they backtracked a bit, but nothing like the nightmare of the past two months of course. (We've been lucky, too, because some regions have been through hell, weather-wise, and people have died. Thankfully, our area tends not to be affected so hard). I have to say that, while I do appreciate the lack of constant sweating and such, I'm still sapped of energy regardless of the more merciful climate. But I think it's a lost battle at this point...what with my age and the kind of life I'm living 😭.

👣 BABY STEPS. The hubs' ulcer is on the mends, though its healing will STILL take time. But at least we're on the right path, after 2 years. He's also reprised his walking attempts, and it's damn hard, and I don't know when he will be able to go out again (and relieve me from my burden in that sense, or at least drive me around), but it's something. Too little, too late, but still something...


None this month.

  • Jen reviews We Solve Murders and discusses it in relation to other Osman books.
  • The Orangutan Librarian recommends philosophical picture books.
  • Eluned reviews Don't Let the Forest In by C.G. Drews (without spoilers). (Note: I'm quite new to her blog, and I really like her reviewing format, so I'm trying to make her popular among you all 😉).

That's it for now. My next post will be up on November 1st, and it will be a new Offbeat Offline installment. I'm going to go radio silent until then, and I won't blog-hop either, but I'll catch up with you all next month!

So, what were your highs/lows in the past month?


  1. I'm glad the heat is going away and your husband's wound is healing. I hope you have a good month while away and find some good books to read.

    1. Thank you! I have a few promising ones lined up.

  2. I am glad to hear the health issues are under control. That is good news, and YES! Cooler weather is the best! It's good you got to reread some faves and enjoy them all over again.

    1. LOL, I know you're a fan of cooler temps too. This has been a "meh" month overall (books aside), but compared to my usual, I'll say it's been awesome 😅.

  3. It's odd but I don't recall seeing reviews where people said they have finished a series, not a lot, but probably because book series are getting long for no reason. I think I saw someone on youtube talking about reading 16 series at the same time. It's ridiculous but that's how it is since every damm book is series now.

    I don't have much to say about last month. Somehow the days went quicker than usual, not sure if that's good or bad but at least, I read a whole lot.

    A whole month of ARCs and housekeeping? Sounds like a good plan but maybe more ARCs and less housekeeping? I hope you have a relaxing time.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. 16...series...at the same time? How is it humanly possible? Do they even KNOW what the books are about? 😂

      If reading a lot is what your past month amounts to, it can't have been so bad (unless the books were awful, of course).

      "Sounds like a good plan but maybe more ARCs and less housekeeping?"
      Haha, no such luck! I have to get my butt to work!

  4. We too are experiencing a cool down. We finally got some consistent rain last month which we drastically needed. Other areas of the US got whammed with Hurricane Helene and I feel so badly for them. We didn't get any side effects of it although the lower part of our state did. I'm glad you got good news on your retina and your hubby's ulcer. I will miss visiting your blog this month but hope you have a nice break and get lots done!

    1. It's fortunate that you were able to get the water you needed without any side effects. These days, when it rains it pours...literally. And of course, you have the damned hurricanes.

      "I will miss visiting your blog this month but hope you have a nice break and get lots done!"
      Thank you!

  5. Great news that both you and your husband are doing better healthwise. And cool that you got to fit in some rereads. That's something I never do, but I have a list in my head of what I WOULD reread if I could. I hope you enjoy your hiatus!

    1. It's hard enough to stay up-to-date with ARCs and new releases without revisiting old favourites, but since I'm a very picky reader (and publishers don't shower me with books, given that I have this very tiny blog 😉), I manage to fit in a reread or two from time to time.

      Thank you!

  6. I'm happy to hear you and your husband both are on the mend, even if progress continues to be slow for him. I've watched my grandmother care for my bedridden grandfather, so I understand the toll that can take on you.

    Also, I love that you reread Mister Magic. That book left such an impression on me when I read it last year, so I'm glad it was a hit the second time around for you.

    On the personal front, we finally finished all the repairs and renovations on our home that started in April. My advice: don't have a hurricane in the middle of construction! It was a stressful time to say the least, but I'm very pleased with the results. My husband is already dreaming of what we'll work on next, but I'm happy with things as they are for now.

    1. Thank you! I hope the repairs/renovations met your expectations (damn that hurricane!)...your husband sounds like he's eager to flip the house on its head though 😂 😉.

  7. Hey there! I'm back... We had a great time on our trip. I really enjoyed my time in Italy. Luckily we didn't get rained on too often and the weather wasn't overly hot or cold. I'll try to post about it soon, but I do have pics on Instagram.

    Sounds like your September went in a better than average direction. I'm glad to hear! I hope things continue to improve!!

    1. I'm sure you've seen more Italy in a couple of weeks than I have in my entire life LOL. Glad you had a great time...and the weather was merciful!

      Thank you!

  8. Thanks for the unexpected shout-out! Haha.

    Glad to hear you had a quiet month; sometimes that's nice (especially with how hectic the last few months of the year can get).

    Thanks for highlighting Chuck Wendig's comments on NaNo, too. I've been following the whole debacle (imagine alienating basically your entire fan/customer base--crazy stuff), but hadn't seen his thoughts pop up on my feed.

    1. "Thanks for the unexpected shout-out!"
      It was well-deserved!

      A quiet month is a win for me...you haven't known me for long, but my life has been a never-ending series of problems and bad stuff these latest years, so I'll take an uneventful month anytime...

      The NaNo situation is a shame, and surreal too. Also, using the word "ableist" in this context...I don't think the NaNo people know what it really means 😬.

  9. 'It could be worse...and it often has been, so 🤐.' - Mood. So much mood.

    Thank you so much for sharing my links!!! :) <3

    1. Yep...we tend to share these moods, don't we? 😉


  10. I've been doing such a bad job of visiting blogs that I didn't even know you were on a hiatus. I think I missed the recent eye issues? Glad your retina seems ok though, and that your husband's ulcer is finally healing, albeit slowly.

    I heard about NaNo's AI thing, sucks that it's becoming more prevalent, but at least people are speaking up against it.

    Hope you're getting a bit of rest or catching up on other things or something good in your hiatus!

    1. Don't worry! I know you catch up when you can 🙂.

      NaNo's AI issue is surreal. Like, they're enticiting writers to fake their own craft? And what about the concept of "ableism" used in that context? Do they have an idea what "ableism" truly means?

      Thank you!


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