September 10, 2024

Tell Me Something Tuesday: What Day in Your Life Would You Like to Relive?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme created by Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings in order to discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging (and some slightly more personal matters throw in for good measure). After Heidi stopped blogging (apparently for good), five of us took over as hosts while providing new questions. The current team is composed of Berls at Because Reading Is Better Than Real LifeJen at That's What I'm Talking AboutKaren at For What It's WorthLinda at Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Roberta at Offbeat YA. This week's question is...


Truth be told...none. As Lewis Carroll would put it,
"It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then." (Alice in Wonderland)
If I could go back (as in, shove my grown-up mind in my younger body, I assume?) to one of the (few) capital-happy days of my life (like when I met my once-favourite singer for the first time), I would indeed be a different person, or the people in it would mean nothing to me anymore because I've become too far-removed from them, or I would be aware that the joy I felt back then was based on false premises. There isn't a single happy day that I can think of that wouldn't be tainted by the turn my life has taken since then, or by my present awareness of things I didn't realise at the time, or by my knowing I should have taken a different path, sometimes even in that very moment, and built a better life for myself. So...if you asked me, would you like to go back to a certain day and tell your younger self to live her life differently, I'd say yes, please, take me back NOW. But the happy days of the past are better left alone. That naive, hopeful girl will never come back anymore.

Well, that's it for now. Did you enjoy this post? Would you like to participate in the meme on a regular or semi-regular basis, and get emailed the prompt list? Just head over here and fill in Jen's form! (Of course, you can jump in anytime you like - you are under no obligation to actually do all the posts, or even most of them, just because you signed up, and you can remove yourself from the list at any time). And if you're interested in participating in a more casual manner, or only in commenting, here is the TMST prompt list for the rest of September and the months of October and November:

  • Sep 17th: Do you have a go-to comfort book/read?
  • Sep 24th: Do you have a series you've been meaning to finish but haven't? Which one(s) and why?
  • Oct 1st: What were your favourite surprise books of the year?
  • Oct 8th: Tell us about your favourite fall comfort foods
  • Oct 15th: Who is your ideal book boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • Oct 22nd: What are the top three items on your bucket list? 
  • Oct 29th: How do you like to be scared? Horror or thriller?
  • Nov 5th: What are five things that make you happy?
  • Nov 12th: Which types of reviews help you decide what books to read?
  • Nov 19th: Have you ever met someone famous? Tell us!
  • Nov 26th: Which books are you looking forward to reading this winter? (December-February)

I'll only be back for the meme on November 26th (since I'm planning a new hiatus in October, and then I'll have to tackle my ARCs again...)...that's why I listed all the questions from September to November, in case someone is interested in participating and wants to draft their posts in advance. As for me, maybe I'll be able to get back into the TMST loop next year...๐Ÿ™ƒ

Now tell me something...if you could experience one day of your life for the second time, which one would you choose?


  1. I think I'd only want to relive a day if it meant I could revisit time with someone who has passed away. I have a cousin who was tragically killed in an accident when he was younger, and I'd give anything to spend one more day with him. So maybe I could turn this prompt on its head and make that happen.

    1. That's touching. You must have been close.

  2. I would say none. I sat and thought about it for a minute and can't think of any I would like to go back to.

    1. It's a tricky might be afraid to revisit a good moment for fear that it wouldn't live up to the memory...

  3. For some very personal reasons that were going on at the time, my father did not attend my wedding or give me away. He was not sold on my choice of a husband and had some of his own prejudices and biases to deal with at the time. Over the years following, my father and husband became very close before my father tragically died from a heart attack much too young. He considered my husband a son when he passed, and I will always wish that he was present when we married.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that. But at least he was able to overcome his prejudices and you all got the chance to be a real family before he passed.

  4. *HUGS* Sorry that the present would taint the past, but that makes a lot of sense. I was just thinking I would go back and "watch" the day so I could remember details I didn't know before.

    I'm heading to Italy tomorrow (I'll arrive 9/12). I'll waive from a far. But that means I won't be back on the blogs until October. I hope you find some peace and better health.

    1. "I was just thinking I would go back and "watch" the day so I could remember details I didn't know before."
      I always seem to interpret these prompts in a different way from what the author had in mind...or when I am the author, in a different way from most of the people who respond! LOL.

      Ugh, the forecasts say it will rain in Rome on Thursday and Friday, and the temps will go down (here too!)...I hope the weather won't ruin your vacation! Let us know how it went when you come back.

  5. I don't disagree. One of the reasons I stopped rewatching/rereading is because I remembered the movie/book being better the first time. I would hate to sully a great memory by trying to do it again.

    1. It's funny, because I don't have the same issue when revisiting things I've seen or read. People can let you down, situations you've lived and choices you've made can be wrong in retrospect, but art is set in stone, and the part of me who resonated with it still finds solace and enjoyment in the things I used to love...

  6. I'd like to go back to the first date with my partner. I was SO NERVOUS. And knowing what I know now about how comfortable he is to be around, I think I would have loosened up a bit more.

    1. I was looking at today's prompt in a "go back to a happy moment" way...I didn't consider this side of the matter LOL. Well, at least you hit it off no matter what!

  7. Like you, I don't really want to relive any day either. It might sound good but at the same time, what is the point of reliving happy days except to make you sad you're not the same person as when it happened. Of course, no matter how happy the day is, it still ends so it's a bit pointless unless you can go back to redo mistakes instead. But that is still sad because even if you fix one mistake, you will probably make another.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. "unless you can go back to redo mistakes instead. But that is still sad because even if you fix one mistake, you will probably make another."
      Yeah, but...what if you made a huge one - or one that didn't seem huge at the time, but put your life on a certain course? At least you would have the chance to avoid that particular brand of heartbreak or misery...

  8. I had the same thought. I am not the same now as then. I would love to fix things, but that´s life

  9. This is a great question, and very tough to answer. I tend to live in the moment, not in the past or future, so I can think of lots of happy times, but not one that I'd like to relive.

  10. This is so hard! I mean- am I reliving it from the perspective of having gone through it? Maybe. And it also depends on whether I am changing it, or just an observer, as it would change both my answer and the day. This is very thought provoking, because obviously if you *can* change things, it could change the entire trajectory of your life, for better or worse. So I have no idea, is my answer- I'd need to know the rules!

    1. I don't know exactly what the question's author had in mind, either. I assumed that "relive" meant "live for the second time to enjoy it again". Also because we had done the other type of question before:
      "If You Could Go Back and Change One Thing About Your Life, What Would It Be?" ->

  11. Whoa - that got dark lol But I can't say that I disagree. For various reasons, I really disliked my younger years. I'm sure I had amazing days in my lifetime but, honestly, I don't remember them and I don't know that you can take a specific moment in time like that without any outlying context that taints it.

    Signed: Fellow Debby Downer

  12. Ah, I see you are an overthinker of hypothetical questions, just like me lol. But yeah, I too would feel too removed from the people and could never experience it the same with everything I know now. But idk, I think I could find a more chill day where I just hung out alone or something. Would be a break from my chronic illness at least.

    1. "Overthinker of hypothetical questions"...I love this...I'd put it in my SM bios if the word count permitted LOL.

      I wish you could do that ๐Ÿงก.


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