July 05, 2024

Offbeat Offline: June 2024 (Plus Announcing a Short Hiatus)

Welcome to Offbeat Offline, where I bring you up-to-date with what went on in my life during the month just gone, give you a sneak peek of my next shenanigans, and share my favourite posts of late!

What happened last month to yours truly? Some doctor appointments for me and the hubs, and...that's it for my personal sphere. Also, we had both European and local elections, with dismaying results (though the left wing made a small comeback). Here goes my recap of June's most notable moments...

📚 SMALL STEPS. OK, I did better than last month, book-wise...but nevertheless, I still have 6 (unread) ARCs lined up for review 😱. Same old story - I breeze through my books, I plough through my reviews. Anyhow, I was able to cross a few ARCs from my list, which is something (especially since I managed not to immediately replace them LOL. But not for lack of trying...). Also, what's with all these afterlife stories lately? I read 6 books this month, and 3 of them were in the Afterlife category (not to mention the two YA novels in the genre on EW that I didn't request because they didn't sound up my alley on the whole...). Blog-wise, I planned to post a Tell Me Something Tuesday round-up at the end of June like I did at the end of April, but I decided to cross another review book from my list instead (sorry! I've been an awful co-host! but I can't do better at the moment. It's one or the other, and I have too many ARCs). Here's my monthly bookish recap...

Approvals (1):
Jenna's life has always been a fight. From the traumatic and mysterious loss of her mother on a dark woodland road when she was fifteen, to the abusive and controlling boyfriend she's recently escaped, she has learned that trust hurts you in the end.
Now Jenna's found what she hopes is happiness with her new girlfriend, Holly. But the world is full of darkness - some of it ancient, some of it closer to home...Evil, and those who serve it, will not let Jenna go.
The Ravening is a gripping, claustrophobic horror novel that sets a timeless nightmare against one woman and her belief in herself, and the possibility that somewhere, somehow, there is love in the world.

Reads (6):
I've already posted my review...see below.
Mini review already posted - see below.
  • Parachute by Holly Rae Garcia (YA, multiverse)
Mini review already posted - see below.
I've already posted my review...see below.
This one was intriguing! and it turned out to be not only a sci-fi book, but a multiverse one - so, win/win! I wish I could have felt more for the characters, but I enjoyed it.
A genre mash-up with plenty of ambiance, perfect for the summer (though it rains a lot in it LOL. But there are summer flashbacks too!).

Reviews (5):
  • The Afterlife of Mal Caldera by Nadi Reed Perez (see above)
I've already posted my review...
  • Trespass Against Us by Leon Kemp (see above)
Mini review already posted.
  • Parachute by Holly Rae Garcia (see above)
Mini review already posted, along with Trespass Against Us by Leon Kemp and Malicia by Steven Dos Santos (see previous link).
  • Whirly World by Brandon Jones (see above)
I've already posted my review...
(Just so you realise how fucked up I am - I read the book in two days and planned to review it on the 26th, but it took me a week to write my review, and I only managed to schedule it four days before the appointed date...).
  • The Building That Wasn't by Abigail Miles (see above)
It comes out this month, but of course, since I'll be on hiatus, I'm scheduling my review for August.

Normally at this point I would list the reviews I plan on posting and the TMST prompts I plan on answering in July, but as I said, I'm taking the rest of month off in order to get my act together (which involves reviewing some of those pesky ARCs 😅). In the meantime, here's the TMST prompt list for the rest of July, in case you want to join in:

  • July 9th: Have you kept any hobbies that you started during the pandemic?
  • July 16th: Stars, letter grades, nothing... how do you rate books?
  • July 23rd: Book cons: are you attending? Would you like to attend? Which ones?
  • July 30th: Where is your favourite place to read?

🩺 GETTING SOME ANSWERS. I managed to book an endocrinologist appointment for my thyroid nodule, and it was reassuring enough. Based on the ultrasound and the visit itself, the doctor informed me that my nodule has a liquid interior, and it might shrink back to nothing - plus, since it's only 8 mm (0.3 inches), it's too small to require testing. He said I'll need to schedule a check up before the end of the year (followed by another visit) to see how it's progressing, but for the time being, it's nothing to worry about. I also got a leg color doppler ultrasound, and my circulation is OK (but why do my legs itch every summer, then? And why did I get a subcutaneous hematoma in my left calf a few weeks ago?).

🏥 MEDICAL MADNESS. My husband finally managed to get an appointment to see if he's eligible for the hyperbaric chamber therapy to help with his stagnant leg wound, but we're still miles from nowhere. The nearest hospital that provides this therapy told him no, but not on the grounds of any medical contraindications - they made it clear enough that they prefer not to treat ulcers because there wouldn't be space enough in their structure for everyone (???!!! What about a two-year-old ulcer that doesn't look like it wants to heal?! Plus they did do that until a couple of years ago, we know it for sure). So, since on Monday my husband has an appointment with the difficult wound ward in charge of his case (at another hospital), he's going to talk them into redirecting him to YET another hospital that provides hyperbaric therapy for an evaluation. This is getting ridiculous and we're losing time, only because hospitals can't treat everyone anymore...what are we supposed to do, stay quiet and die in our bed without inconveniencing anyone? 🤬

🗳️ KEEPING TO THE RIGHT. The latest European and local elections went as expected - the far right is on the rise everywhere (bar the UK), and frankly, I'm scared. My town just reelected its first right-wing mayor for the second time, despite all the first-mandate promises he didn't keep (though he granted patronage to the local Pride, so at least there's that). It's like the dark ages all over again...

🌦️ NO SWEAT. The weather has been funky all month - more akin to early spring or fall than to summer. Random showers and winds, sometimes alternating with the sun in the space of a single day. And the heat has been more than reasonable. Where do I sign for it to go on for the next three months? 😉 Sorry, you seaside-loving people, but if a bit of rain is the price to pay in order not to succumb to a fiery heat, I'll take it any day...(This latest week has been a bit hotter, but still tolerable). 


None this month.




That's it for now. My next post will be up on August 1st, and it will be an Offbeat Offline installment. Going to bury myself in ARCs...(...I know, I know, I have very little compared to most of you, but given the snail's pace at which I review, I feel overwhelmed all the same...).

So, what were your highs/lows in the past month?


  1. Sorry for the continued medical frustrations. At least you got some ok news about your issues. I am with you. Bring the rain if it offsets the heat. It rained here last night and got worse, so not always the fix I am looking for. Stay cool and I hope you get things worked out for your husband.

    1. Thank you! Sending cooling vibes your way 🙂.

  2. I'm sorry your husband's having a hard time getting his leg ulcer treated. I wish doctors and insurance (not sure that's as big of a problem in Europe as it is here in the US) would treat the patient's life as top priority. I hope he gets the help he needs to heal.

    I'm glad to hear your thyroid nodule is liquid so it should shrink. My father-in-law had his thyroid removed last year and the biopsy indicated cancer. :( Fortunately, it hadn't spread to the thyroid-ectomy did the trick.

    1. Our NHS is sinking. I'm sure we'll end up relying on insurance like you in the US one day - as it is, we have to pay for most exams that we can't do in time under the NHS umbrella...

      That was a close call for your father-in-law! Glad to hear he managed to get an intervention in time.

  3. The weather here is the same - rain, sun, cloud and in between the heat. I'm fine with this weather. Who needs the heat?

    I hope things will work out for you and your husband. It sounds so stressful. I hope July gives you break and give you time to be more relax.

    Have a lovely day

    1. "Who needs the heat?"
      Who, indeed? Not people with health issues, or very tired people who have to function nevertheless, that's for sure...

      Thank you!

  4. I'm sorry about the hospital leg wound stuff. There's not even a word to describe how messed up the world is right now. I'm glad you at least haven't been too hot.

    1. There's no money, no doctors, no anything anymore, and it sounds like even the professionals who still can be reached have given up on us. One shouldn't have to fight in order to get proper care...but you've known this for a while now ☹️.

  5. Gosh, the medical people seem useless. You would think they would be able to help with this ongoing issue. I'm glad that your Thyroid ultrasound came back with good results though.

    1. Our sanitary system is a mess - we're left to our own devices...

  6. Yea for getting through some books and reviews! And for the good news about your health. So sorry you and your husband have so much to deal with on his poor health. Sending positive vibes your way.

    1. My husband just got another hyperbaric medicine appointment at a different hospital for an evaluation- maybe your vibes are working? 🙂

  7. I have something akin to a thyroid nodule at the moment, which I am trying to find answers for. I hope we both get better soon!

    1. Akin? You mean you're not sure yet? Best of luck anyway!

  8. It sounds like there's still more frustrations than results on the medical front for you both. I hope that begins to turn around soon!

    On my front, just has all our home repairs were coming to an end, we got directly hit by a hurricane. Thankfully, the damage is minimal, but it feels like we aren't really making much progress.

    1. My husband got an appointment for an evaluation at another hyperbaric chamber, so at least there's that! I hope there will be a follow-up...

      I mean, what?!? That's a nightmare. At least the damage was minimal, but for goodness' sake. Do you get hurricanes often in your area?

      Apropos of nothing..I sent you a friend request on Goodreads, since I realised we weren't mutuals on there yet...

    2. We are pretty close to the Texas Gulf Coast, so they definitely happen from time to time.

      I can't believe we weren't already Goodreads friends. Glad to have you on there too!

  9. Enjoy your month off to catch up. July has been kicking my butt! I need to read the Cherie Priest book because I've read several others by her and really liked them and we really need rain where I live so maybe I'll enjoy reading about it.

    1. Thanks!

      "we really need rain where I live so maybe I'll enjoy reading about it"
      Haha, probably! It was my first foray into her fiction instead...

  10. *Hugs* - hang in there Roberta!

    Also, I'm pretty sure my last review was about 2 years ago, so you're dpoing great! Lol.


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