May 12, 2023

Still Life with Scheduled Posts (A.K.A. Announcing a Longer Hiatus Than I Anticipated)

Hello sweeties,

remember how, in my latest post, I told you I was going to take June off? Well, things have come up (basically, pipe problems in my condo - more of that in my next Offbeat Offline installment, if you haven't seen my tweets about them) and my stress level has reached new highs...but regardless of the unfortunate news, I can't cope anymore. I need to start on my hiatus RIGHT NOW. I can't even seem to keep up with your posts, and I have a ton of books for review whose deadlines (or, well, pub dates) are approaching - books that I should have read weeks ago, except I couldn't find the time or clear-headedness to...but most of all, I have a ton of things I need to tend to, never enough time and zero energy. So, basically, I need a break.

As I wrote in my latest Offbeat Offline installment, I have the whole month of May covered, blog-wise, so you'll still see my posts - and I plan on doing the rounds on Twitter once a day, so I hope to keep up to date with (some of) you that way. Then I'll post a May recap at the beginning of June...and sit the month out (though I promised B.C. Johnson I would review the last installment in his Deadgirl series upon release, so if it comes out during my hiatus, I'll make an exception). Thank you for your understanding and your constant support...I hope to come back stronger and refreshed in July!


  1. Take all the time you need. It's kind of you to have scheduled posts when you don't have to. I hope your hiatus is fruitful and relaxing.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Haha, the scheduled posts are accidental...I wrote them prior to planning my hiatus. And I don't have any for June...

      Thank you!

  2. Hopefully things will get easier and less stressful. Take the break and hopefully when you come back things won't be so stressful for you.

    1. Thank you - here's hoping that a month-and-a-half break will be enough for things to change for the better...or at least for me to feel less overwhelmed!

  3. Take care! We'll be here. And pipe problems... I haven't seen your tweets but I'm pretty AWOL on Twitter lately. I need to pay more attention.

    1. I believe you aren't even following me with this "new" account LOL. Never mind! As you said, it's not like you're using Twitter (I mean, I never see you post at least. But maybe you're a lurker! πŸ˜‰). Thanks!

    2. I'm not? Ack I need to fix that. I do log on at least once a day and answer dM's and whatnot, scroll a bit for news until it gets too depressing and have to log off lol. I do occasionally see tweets I want to reply to but I'm always afraid I won't keep up with replies, and so don't. :(

      I really need to get back to tweeting. I rather enjoyed it when I did :)

    3. I have a few lists (friends, favourite authors, TV/music related stuff) that I scroll through at least once a's easy for me to stay up-to-date that way and get less negativity LOL. I do recommend lists!

  4. Good luck with all your life stuff, Roberta! Anything that relieves stress (like taking a hiatus) is a good thing😁

  5. Take care, Roberta, and I hope there are some improvements in store for you. Enjoy your ARCs. I hope you find some gems in the bunch

  6. I don't really visit Twitter any more, so I've not seen your posts. I wish you all the best and I'll be here when you return. *HUGS*

  7. I haven't seen your tweets. I'll pop over to twitter later on to see what's going on, but whatever it is, I hope it gets resolved quickly. Enjoy your hiatus!

    1. It's one disaster after another for me, to be might log in to Twitter and stumble into the next one...πŸ˜‚ 😭


  8. Just like clockwork...I wrote two posts lol

    I guess I should plan my July hiatus then??

    I offer no platitudes because...well, you know why lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. As a matter of fact, I time my hiatuses so that you can have some breathing (well, blogging) space 🀣. can have July, as long as you don't stop blogging altogether!

      "I offer no platitudes because...well, you know why lol"
      Yeah...I know why, too well. But at least you offer virtual fruit...πŸ˜‚


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BTW...I don't care if a post is a million months old - you comment, I respond. And you make my day πŸ˜ƒ.
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