March 01, 2022

Tell Me Something Tuesday: If You Could Have Any Job in the World, What Would It Be and Why?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme created by Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings in order to discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging (and some slightly more personal matters throw in for good measure). After Heidi stopped blogging (apparently for good), five of us took over as hosts while providing new questions. The current team is composed of Berls at Because Reading Is Better Than Real LifeJen at That's What I'm Talking AboutKaren at For What It's WorthLinda at Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Roberta at Offbeat YA. This week's question is...


(Note: I wrote this post prior to learning I would be unemployed from May 1st - haha Labour Day the universe is so funny πŸ˜’ - but it's still relevant...maybe more than ever).

When I was young, I used to believe in dream jobs, or jobs that define you. I wanted a creative outlet, though on the other hand, I very much wanted to stay behind the curtain. When I got into radio - as a hobby at first - and it finally became my job, I thought I had found the perfect place for me. know what they say - be careful what you wish for. Fast forward a few years, and I was bored and disillusioned and angry, for a lot of reasons that I'm not going to list here, because I want to keep this post short. Now I know two things:
  • if you want to keep loving your "creative" or "artistic" job, you must do it at the highest level, in the best environment, with the best tools;
  • most of the times, it's advisable to pursue the things you love most as hobbies, when and how and if you want - that way they'll never take on a sour taste and will always bring you joy.
If I could choose whatever job right now? I would want one that required me to stay behind a keyboard, because most of the times, it's the safest place to be (I mean emotionally, too). I wouldn't care for the hows and whys - only that it paid a reasonable amount of money and left me with enough time to get behind my other keyboard and blog to my heart's content.

Well, that's it for now. Did you enjoy this post? Would you like to participate in the meme on a regular or semi-regular basis, and get emailed the prompt list? Just head over here and fill in Jen's form! (Of course, you can jump in anytime you like - you are under no obligation to actually do all the posts, or even most of them, just because you signed up, and you can remove yourself from the list at any time). And if you're interested in participating in a more casual manner, or only in commenting, here is the TMST prompt list for the rest of March:

  • March 8th: Share a new-to-you series you love
  • March 15th: Would you like to be paid to blog/write reviews? (a question I submitted)
  • March 22nd: How do you choose what to read next?
  • March 29th: Do you leave blog comments? Do you respond to comments left on your blog?

I'll be back on March 15th, because I have no new series to share right now.

Now tell me something...if you could just pick a job, no strings attached, what would you like to do for a living?


  1. Wise words, Roberta! I suppose my dream job would be an author. Getting to write full-time, which is such an enjoyable task for me, but getting paid for it, would be exciting. Though, I suppose just being independently wealthy and not having to work would be ideal too!

    1. Ha! Being a (successful) author sure beats it, though, doesn't it? πŸ˜‰

  2. I agree. Especially about your second point. Life makes us jaded, no? :)

    Seriously though, they say "do something you love" and it'll never be "work". I suppose that's sometimes true, but not always. Great thought provoking question this week.

    1. Thank you! Ah, yes, life makes us jaded A LOT. At least that's my experience, but I see you're getting me...

  3. Well, you know, dreams change. I went to school wanting to do R&D, and now, I yearn for an outdoor job. If I were younger - farmer, park ranger, or tour guide.

    1. I didn't expect this - though, on the other hand, I know you love to explore the outdoors, so it probably tracks. Fun choice!

  4. It's weird to think about my dream job when I'm near the end of my working careerπŸ˜₯ But I always wanted to go into publishing and start my own small press. I think it's a pretty tough industry to survive in, though.

    1. It's a neat dream though! Your having been a book blogger for so long and in touch with people in the industry might help you, too.

  5. This is why I didn't answer this weeks question. Having my dream job ruins it for me lol

    When I worked with animals it almost broke me. I ended up hating people and needing a break from animals (or I should say just have fun with my own not taking care of others).

    Blogging, while not a job, has somewhat ruined reading. I know too much about some authors/publishers/even readers and the process.

    I've thought about getting a job that has to do with nature or gardening but it's my last hobby that brings me joy without baggage so I haven't.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. You mentioned the animal thing and the blogging thing a few times before. I guess it's wise for you not to get a job that has to do with gardening...

  6. Yeah, it kinda does seem like it might be better to do what you love as more of a hobby, unless you can do it in a way that you're in control of without pushing yourself to the brink. But that's probably a somewhat rare occurrence. Sorry your radio job didn't work out so well.

    1. I'm sure that, if I had to read books for a living (in a publishing house, that is), I would end up hating them too LOL.

  7. I would be a space photographer. I would love one of those powerful telescopes that some people have in their back yards and are able to attach a camera to it in order to get great pictures of planets and space. If I could get paid for that I would.

    1. That's something I didn't expect! Then again, you love to take pics, don't you? Anyhow, you win the contest for the most original dream job!

    2. lol You can expect the unexpected with me. I do like taking pictures. I just need a new camera.

  8. I want the job of being a large lottery winner! LOL. Then I could do whatever I wanted and still be financially stable. Is that horrible?

    1. It MIGHT end up being a job anyway, because you would have to decide how to invest/secure your money! πŸ˜‰ So stressful LOL.

  9. I also would like a job before a keyboard/computer because I seem to have spent almost all my life in front of screen so I don't think I'll get out of that habit but yes, it really is quite a safe job not to have to deal with people in person. The people I met through work aren't exactly people you want to hang out with.

    Honestly, I can't do any jobs that requires physically doing something as I'm not the strongest or even the biggest person. My dream job would probably involved blogging, writing fiction and drawing or someone who gets to watch tv shows while doing one of these things. But it's not ideal and you're right about pursuing things you love as hobbies because I think that's what we're all doing. Blogging is certainly a hobby that we're all doing but not getting pay for. Well, some people are.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. It sounds like we are in a similar boat...except that you do have a job behind a keyboard already. I hope things will stay that way and you'll never have to meet such unpleasant people in person, or to deal with a physically taxing job!

  10. Really smart takeaways from your radio experience - especially the keeping things you love as hobbies. I've often wondered if the reason I love to write is that I don't HAVE to do it. Good luck in your job search! I hope you find something quickly and that it meets your needs (& maybe even wants!).

    1. "often wondered if the reason I love to write is that I don't HAVE to do it."
      Maybe writing is a bit different from other jobs, as in, you don't have a boss and a structure...

      Thank you! πŸ’š


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