July 14, 2021

New Twitter Account: Welcome to @OffbeatYABlog

 Hello sweeties!

I just meant to let you know that, in the wake of the Twitter disaster I told you about in this post, I decided to come back with a new account. Apart from not being able to spread the news about my reviews anymore (which, of course, held a great weight in my decision), I was feeling SO isolated, and I was missing every single one of you! Of course I had to make a new handle, and now you can find me @OffbeatYABlog. I started to re-follow everyone, but it will take a while...I don't want to accidentally incur Twitter's wrath for "aggressively following" other accounts, so I'm doing a few per day - keep your eyes peeled! If I haven't re-followed you already, I will ASAP. In the meantime, you can do the same with me if you want. Thank you in advance! 💚

If you feel like spreading the news, please do it stealthy - either in PMs or on other platforms. If the powers-that-be sniff me out, I'll be dead meat again. Also, I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who tried to reason with Twitter Support about my situation (and got ignored LOL). Some of you went above and beyond, and I only hope I'll be able to repay you somehow someday! 😭

See you in the pit of madness 😉.


  1. Glad you are back! That is so shitty how you were treated by Twitter but I'm glad that you will be back... :)))

    1. This old girl won't go down without a fight 😈 😂.

  2. I saw you liked my tweet and wanted to make sure it was really you before I followed lol. Well I'm glad you're back, though I'm sorry you had to give up your old account.

    1. It's a pain in the ass, having to build up an audience from scratch. Also, there were a lot of authors and publishers I've worked with thanks to NG and EW...oh, well. My main concern is, will it happen again? 😱

      Thank you! I'm looking forward to chatting with you again 🙂.

  3. I'm glad you're back and were able to make a new Twitter.

  4. UGH!!! I found you and followed you. Good luck!

  5. Good luck with the new twitter account but I'm sorry you lost your old one. I swear, they are useless when it comes to resolving problems. :(

    1. They don't even try...

      Thank you! Also for following me back again 💚.

  6. I commented from my phone and it said it went. Looks like it did not lol

    Anyway - I had plans to stalk you by way of email and weekly pet photo bombs because I missed you so I'm glad you found a way back lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. "I commented from my phone and it said it went. Looks like it did not lol"
      Your comment was in my "awaiting moderation" folder, but I didn't get an email notification for it, so I only saw it after authorising this one (which I was notified of)!

      All throughout my Twitter ordeal, you've been the sweetest 😘. Thank you again!

  7. Found you! I've really missed you!

    1. Aww 😭. Thank you! I saw the tweet where you said I was one of you closest Twitter friends. It was so sweet!

  8. SO glad you are back, but wow, this is just such GARBAGE, frankly. I am so angry on your behalf- not only for the HUGE violation of being hacked (which in itself is horribly wrong) but how useless Twitter has been in their lack of help. Sending you TONS of love ♥♥♥

    1. 😭 😘 Thank you for following back again!

  9. Very upsetting indeed. Please use very hard password. Like: ghKIG78+H-*7mK

    1. LOL, I know, it would be the wise move...but I would never be able to remember something like that.

  10. Replies
    1. It's been surreal AND unfair. Also, for a blogger, this is the pits 😫. Thank you for refollowing!


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BTW...I don't care if a post is a million months old - you comment, I respond. And you make my day 😃.
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